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liked bye @jadenhossler and 1,234,456 other

Steph : Back to LA here i come😒


The airport experience so far was probably the most awkward. I was still being somewhat stubborn about tana so i was t talking to her. I didn't really wanna live with the sway house either due to the fact that The only ones im okay with talking to it Bryce,griffin,Anthony,Kio and Quinton. But either way i wasnt talking to any of them now, I made a deal that if i went back then they have to get my seat a few rows away so i can just think for a while. Of course they got the seats away.

At baggage i didnt walk with them, Just glued myself to my headphones as of now. Now we were currently sitting In the seats, waiting for our now delayed flight.

I opened my small purse that i needed due to the time of month. I pulled out my phone before tucking the purse in the side pocket of my suitcase.

I clicked through snapchat stories before heading to facebook just to see the memes.

I Continued to click through before my pinky touched a small plastic baggy stuck in my case (A/N CASE WASNT SEE THROUGH) I looked over at the others and see them mostly all occupied with each other while Jaden and tana sat there quietly on there phones.

I pushed open my case causing my eyesy to widen widely at the thin bag of coke and a small note tucked behind my case.

I picked up the note as it read 'Jordyn;)" on the front. I smiled before unfolding it to read the small note.

"hey stephy :'/ We didnt get to catch up much when you were here but i decided id leave you a little something, Just like the old days ;) Text me and come back n visit - J "

I smiled before clutching the small bag of coke in my palm. I looked around for the bathroom sign before tucking the coke into my pocket.

I stood up and set my suit case next to tana before letting her know where i was going. She nodded before frowning slightly.

I shook my head before walking hesitantly to the bathroom. Feeling Jadens eyes burning to my back.

I pushed open the stall door before pulling out the bag of coke. I layered a think line with my Visa card on top of the toilet paper holder before pushing my head and breathing in.

I pushed my nostrils together before leaning back for the high.

* Flashback *

"Nessa just leave me the hell alone, I can do what i want" I screamed from the outside of the bathroom. "No stephanie Hart, Youre gonna kill
yourself with all these drugs" I heard nessa start to sob.

"Ill be fine"

*end of flashback*

"Steph, our flights about to take off" I heard nessa knock on the bathroom stall, causing me to flush the baggy and come out.

"Oh shit sorry, lets go" I started walking before she pulls my  elbow back.

"Steph your nose" she looks up at me with worry. I pulled my hand up to feel my nose dripping with blood.

"Shit" i mumbled.

This happend last time i did coke before the other night. My nose will just bleed out of nowhere.

"Youre using again" she looks down sadly as i continue to wash my nose.

"No im not nessa, Just stay out of it" I push the tissue to my nose before turning to walk away.


"Yea, release it" I mumbled before hanging up the phone on my manager.

We stood in line to get on the plane before steph and nessa walked out of the bathroom. Steph was pushing a bloody tissue to her nose while nessa followed behind with a sad look. She seen tana with her suit case and instantly stood behind them.

I frowned at her before the lady took my ticket.


"Hey guyssssss, Its your very own stephanie" I puckered my lips and lifted my hands dramatically. "So as yall know ive been hanging out with the sway house a lot..." i started before pausing at the boys moving my bed out of my apartment.

"Well uh as you guys can see, Im actually moving in with the sway boys and nessa" I laughed fakely. "I was wanting to move out soon anyways and its perfect for me to live with my bestfriends" i fake smiled.

" But anyway, I seen that Jaden posted his long awaited song 'Comatose' and the music video so i decided that today wed react since soooo many of you ship" I pointed before going to cue the screen recording.

I looked up Comatose into my youtube bar.

"And here we go" I pointed as i pressed play

"Wow" I said feeling interesting into it. The song started to play into its corus giving me watery eyes. He seemed so into it and heartbroken and It broke my heart to.

Once the song ended i felt tears flooding my eyes.

"Wow" I sobbed once again before feeling a hand land on my shoulder.

I looked up to find bryce pulling me to him.

"Jesus steph " He shook his head as i held on him and sobbed.

He reached up and pressed the off button to the camera before rubbing my back.

"M-my b-baby" i frowned and sobbed some more.

"Bubby, you need to talk to him" bryce lifted my chin as i felt makeup rush down my face in tears.


heres the long awaited new chapter, My dads starting to feel 100 percent so Maybe ill get to post more🥺 Im posting a new sway book soon to so make sure to check it out if u like the sway boys. Also yall should follow my new tiktok "bhadblonddiee"

I had to make a new one a few months ago cause the app deleted my old one :( buttt followww🥺

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