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"hey ne-" I opened the door before stopping at my words. Mads was standing next to her giving me a small side smile. "Mads" i my eyes widened slightly at the sight of her. "Steph" she smiled.

we both went straight to each other before we embraced each other in a hug. "I hate feeling like were arguing steph" she mumbled into my neck.

"Mads I- I so sorry i said those terrible things to you" i rested my head on her shoulder. "You didnt know what you were doing, your fine" She giggled. "Well what do you girls say we go out to the mall, Meet addison,Dixie and avani and we all go back to the Sway house for a sleep over, No boys allowed" Nessa points to both of us causing us to nod and laugh.

"Okay guys if we having a little sleep over n shit then i better go get my wallet and my clothes" i smiled as they waited on the couch.

I smiled beforing disappearing to my room.

I open my door and see jaden sitting on the edge of the bed on his phone. he looked up and smiled brightly as i walked to the front of him. He patted the spot on bis thigh being i slowly sat down on his lap. "Hey baby" he rested his hand on my cheek. "Mads is here" i sighed causing him to lose all the color to his face. "Dont worry she doesn't know your here" i chuckled after enjoying his reaction for a second. He sighed in relief before chuckling once again. "i'm sorry, I just dont wanna go through the whole drama of her finding out, thats all" He sighed in relief before looking at me and laughing lightly.

"I love your smile daddy" i rested my forehead to his as he melted into my eyes. "I love everything about you baby" He Caressed my cheek before pressing his lips to mine softly.

"Well i have to go, But you need to wait to leave until i leave and i'm gone" i smile before getting up and grabbing my things.

"kiss" he pouted his lips as he stood up and stood behind me. I turned around and press my lips back to his. 

"Bye daddy" I blew him a kiss before heading out my room.

" Okay are yall ready for some shopping" i hold up my wallet and walk to them goofly.

After locking my door and heading out I hear nessa and mads start to talk about different things going on as i feel myself start to drift in thought. I really am starting to like Jaden, He makes me feel some way that ive never felt. I actually slept last night peacefully and its been a long time since ive slept peacefully. I dont wanna fall in love with him though, I cant. I already know how heartbroken id be.

"Steph!" I look up and see mads shouting at me. I look and realize that im sitting in the back seat of the car.

"we're here" nessa giggled as they started getting out.

We walked up to the front entrance and walked in. "Guys lets go to american eagle, I havent been their in so long" Mads urges as we al make a u turn to the store. Once we were in there I started spotting a few tight shirts and jeans.

after we were done in American eagle we stopped at pink and brandy before we came across a large victoria secret store.

"Look at that set" I smiled out of context at the pink fuzzy set. It was a lacy one piece with fluffy trim around the breast area. "Girl go try that shit on" Mads pushed me as i grabbed it and giggled. "Okay" I smile as i skipped to the dressing room while smiling at the worker.


"wow" mads stares in awe. "Steph you look great" nessa smiled before pushing me to turn around. "Looks like you can wear that for bryce" mads winked. "uhm what are you talking about" I raised an eyebrow at mads. "Come on steph, we all see the way bryce looks at you" nessa smirks at me causing me to blush. "Bryce is just my bestfriend" I chuckle at my best friends. "All were saying is, You need to catch a dick" they winked as they closed the door to walk away.

Maybe if I were to be with bryce in that way then it wont make Jaden and I obvious at all, But sadly i wouldn't feel right fucking 2 guys at the same time.


Yall im definitely the slowest bitch ever😭. I forgot all about this story because ive been otp with my friends sm and i been binge watching euphoria. But hereee ya gooo

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