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I lift myself over the tall gate to the sway house and begin walking up the drive way. I sigh deeply before finally pushing myself up the stairs.

After finally finding the courage to open the door I push myself in before feeling myself being pushed against the door.

After a moment of shock I look up and find No one other then Jaden hossler holding ne against the door.

"Upstairs" he whispers in a low voice.

I obey and walk up the stairs quietly as he followed behind me.

Once I lead myself into his room, he walked in behind me before closing the door. I glanced up at the dark blue colored LED lights as he watched me.

He paced towards me causing me to drop my bag slowly and back away.

He kept following towards my movements until I finally hit the wall.

He instantly grabbed my waist before aggressively pushing me towards the wall and started sucking down on my neck and biting hard. But the pain coming from him felt amazing.

I let out a breathy moan as he pushed his hand down to my core area. He pushed down causing me to look up and instantly gasp.

He aggressively turnt me around and pushed his hand back to my core as i faced the wall.

He looped his finger into my shorts before rubbing me up and down.

"Does bryce make you feel this good" he breathes out slightly.

"Stop" i moan lightly, causing him to groan.

"I bet bryce's touch doesn't drive you this insane " he groans again.

"Jaden stop" I push him off.

"What the fuck steph" He pushed back onto the bed.

"Jaden that isnt what i want" I said referring to him mentioning bryce.

"Then what do you want" He breathed out

"I dont wanna feel like your just getting revenge on bryce" I whisper yelled.

"Of course you'd think that" he rubbed his forehead.

"Jaden you cant just ignore how we obviously both felt earlier tonite" i sighed before sitting next to him on the bed. "I dont know what you're talking about" he sighed. "Alright Jaden, Cut the fucking shit" i nagged. "Okay well you didn't seem to give a shit when you were on bryce lap" he rolled his eyes.

"Well you didnt seem to care to much with mads giving you head" i started.

"Seems to me like you were enjoying yourself." i snapped.

"Steph dont you literally fucking get it" he stood up before leaning down to my face.

"w-what" i stuttered and furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"You're fucking mine" he now started to yell.

"Jaden shh, Im not trying to get a whole thing started" I felt my eyes water as he yelled at me.

"Steph whatever, forget this whole thing!" he yelled once again causing me to let out a tiny sob.

His eyes softened before he instantly knelt down to me. He pulled me into his arms as i sobbed once again.

"Fuck baby dont cry" he cupped my cheeks before leaning his forehead on mine.

"J-Jaden" i started in between sobs.

"I know I know" I watched as he wiped away my tears before planting a soft kiss to my lips.

"Ive got you baby" he kissed me again before pulling me to him.

He pulled down to his chest as we both laid down.

I let my eyes rest as this moment was once in a week thing since i still havent taken my meds.

"Get some sleep baby" he kissed my forehead before pulling me tightly to him.


Hey guys!! this chapter short but anyways THANKYOU ALL FOR 4K READS ANDDD hereeee is an early release of my next chapter🌝🌝

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