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Tanas apartment building came into view as i stepped out of my car. I couldn't even guarantee that she would be they're since shes always with Jake (IK YALL HATE JAKE BUT I MITE DO SOMETHING FUTURE WITH THAT SITUATION SO BARE W ME) But i dont know how to handle these bruises alone, Im pretty sure she's handled hickeys so maybe she can help with the huge hand marks left on my neck.

flashback to the night before

I slammed the door to my apartment, Causing myself to instantly stumble from the impact mixed with alcohol. Slamming my Jacket on the couch i walk to the small hallway and instantly turn to the bathroom. I pull my pants down and sit myself down on toilet. Once im done doing my business I stumble to the sink and pump soap and start to wet my hands to wash. I glance up for a second and find myself instantly letting my eyes widen at what i just saw. I slowly moved my head up and lock my eyes to my neck. dark purple bruises with tints of red and a yellowish color. I noticed another bruise trailing up my right arm near my elbow. Once i finished rinsing my hands, I reach my hand up to touch my arm 1st, pressing slightly.
"ah" i groan at the slight pain before ripping my hand away. Before i knew it, I felt a tear running down my face and not long before a couple more. I grabbed rag and wet it down before slightly pressing it to my neck before i felt more pain.
"Fuck you" i referred to Jaden as I sobbed before pulling my hand to my mouth and letting out many mode sobs.

end of flashback

I found myself knocking at the door just silently hoping that shed be home.

after about 30 seconds  of constantly tugging up my hoodie, I watched the door being pulled open; Revealing a groggy tana like she just woke up.

Her eyes dropped to darkness on my neck as her eyes widened at the sight.

Not a word spoke before she reached her hand out, Touching it slightly.

"Steph" her eyes showed sympathy and worry.

I open my mouth to speak before shaking my head and letting an unexpected tear come out.

I felt like shit, I didnt shower and i didn't have any makeup on, I was wearing a pair of stained old holster sweats while my top half was consumed bye Jadens big blue hoodie. my cheeks were stained with tears and bits of mascara. I wore a pair of black sunglasses to cover my puffy eyes.

"Geesh i was gonna ask what kind of weird shit you're into" she jokes, causing me to instantly laugh through the tears.

"Steph get youre ass in here" she grabbed my arm exactly where Jaden grabbed it.


I felt someone Yank me away from the chair and pull me away from the crowd as someone turns the music back on.

end of short flashback

"ah" i tug my arm away, causing tana to instantly let go. "Steph what happened" she eyed me worriedly.

"Ill explain it all to you" i walk to the small couch before taking off my glasses to face tana. Her eyes instantly soften seeing my red eyes and my neck fully before pacing towards me and embracing me into a tight hug causing me to break down in sobs.

"Steph what happen" She pulled away, grabbing a tissue and handing them to me. I gladly took them before wiping under my eyes.

"W-well it all started last night...." i started

Homewrecker  |Jaden hossler|Where stories live. Discover now