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"Im really sorry steph" tana sighs as i pulled into the airport parking garage. "Its okay tan, I just needed to go for the note and key" i frowned before taking my keys out. "wouldnt you be scared that theyll be mad and go destroy your apartment" tana looks over at me worriedly.

"Dont have to worry about that" i mumbled, thinking about the break down i had the day before.

"What" she raised an eyebrow at my low voice. "I said you dont have to worry about it, Nessa wouldn't let it happen" I said confidently.

{Worldwide by big time rush}

Once we were done through baggage and getting our tickets, We went to our terminal to board.

We handed the lady our tickets before walking through the tube to the plain entrance. We walked through the seats and found ours before putting our bags in the over head compartment.

"I call window seat" I smile causing tana to playfully roll her eyes.

We took our seats before buckling our seat belts and getting our headphones ready for the ride.

"We'll be arriving in Miami Florida in about 4 hours and 57 minutes" the flight attendant spoke through the loud speaker.

I glanced out the window at the cloudy sky.

"Ive got you baby"

I felt a tear escape my tear as i sniffled. I felt tana cup my hand in hers causing me to rest my head on her shoulder.


"Steph wake up" tana nudged me as my eyes slowly opened.

I watches as everyone was standing from there seats snd walking to the front. I slowly stood up while following tana to the front with our bags.

"Oh my god we're actually here" tana claps in excitement. "Tana youve never been here?" I laughed  at her excitement. "Definitely not" She smiles looking around.

"Okay well we're only at the airport so lets get out of here so we can actually have fun" I chuckled.

We walks down the escalator to the exits as i feel my stomach growl. "Tana lets get some food before we go back home" I said before a car infront to fo us honked.

I quickly recognized My mom sitting in the front seat  drivers seat.  "Mom!!!!" i squealed before running over to the car. She steps out of the car as i embrace her in my arms. "I missed you so much" i smile into her shoulder. "Honey i missed you too" she embraces me back. "Well whos this" she pulls away as we both smile. "Mom this is tana, Shes become like a sister to me" i smile confidently as tana walks over. "Hello tana im Melanie, Stephanies mom but call me mom" My mom pulls tana into a hug. Tana smiles before hugging back.

"you girls must be hungry" my mom smiles at me as we both nod eagerly. "Well how about we go get something and catch up" my mom speaks excitedly.


After deciding on going to a local chipotle we all catch up on everything.

"Honey whats that" my mom slightly touches my neck where you could see some faint bruise. Tana frowns over at me as I flinch at the touch.

My mom quickly pulls her hand away as i flinch at the slight pain. "Oh nothing mom" I frown before eating my food.

"Dont lie to me stephanie, who did this to you" she said sternly as tana pushed me to tell her. "Mom Its a really long story" i sigh before shoving a bite of food into my mouth. "Well we have time so lets hear it" she sets her fork down causing me to frown.

I felt tana pull my hand in hers under the table, giving me a push to explain.


"Honey, We have to tell the police" my mom said as i finished explaining the whole story. "No no no mom please dont" I shake my head. "I can take care of it, Im not even seeing him so i got myself out" i frowned. "But honey, You fell in love with a toxic person and he hurt you physically" She shook her head as i felt my eyes water. "I know mom, I-Its nots my fault that i fell for him" i felt my hands shake in tanas as she hugged my side. "Sweetie, Sometimes two people in this world who arent meant find each other, Do" she frowned but has me slightly happy that she understood.

i held my moms hands over the table and held tanas under as i cried into tanas shoulder


"Jay" my door creaked open to reveal Anthony standing there with a mcdonald's bag in his hand. "leave me alone" i groaned, throwing a pillow at him and covering my face with the covers. "You gotta shower and eat man" he sighed before throwing the mcdonald's bag at me. "no im sleeping" i groan, Hearing him sigh.

"Man whats up with you, Youve locked yourself in here since yesterday when you smashed that mirror" he chuckled while sitting on my bed.

"Jay come on" he nudged me again. "Anthony just leave it alone. Im tired" i sighed.

"Fine but im coming back in a hour to see how youre doing rere" he chuckled before leaving.

I closed my eyes, Feeling myself  instantly relax. I started to drift off to sleep.

*snapchat sound*

"Oh my fuck" I mumbled before smashing a pillow to my face and reaching out, patting around for my phone.

Once it was in my grasp i removed the pillow, The screen lit up causing my eyes to instantly widen.

From Steph💞  *

I quickly swiped to snap before seeing their was a snap. I found myself quickly pressing the red snap button.

(A/N if u look at the side it kinda looks like a bruise from the lighting😂)

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(A/N if u look at the side it kinda looks like a bruise from the lighting😂)

I smiled instantly before sitting up. I stared at the picture while smiling widely at the sight of her.

I tap off the picture before double clicking the chat to snap back.

I give myself a dirty look at how gross i looked before standing up and walking into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror before pushing my hair up and pulling up my hoodie before taking a mirror picture

 I looked in the mirror before pushing my hair up and pulling up my hoodie before taking a mirror picture

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I hit send and sat for a response.


This chapter was lowkey kinda dumb but i didnt wanna mush all of the events together so it would be bad or something 😂💞

Homewrecker  |Jaden hossler|Where stories live. Discover now