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I eagerly tapped my foot as i sat on the couch with the rest of the guys, waiting for a call from bryce or griffin.

*ding, ding, ding*

Our heads snapped to the flashing phone before quickly jumped to it.

"Its bryce" I sigh before answering. "Hey bryce is she okay"

"Uhm nessa yall mite wanna get over here, Like now" he said worriedly. "Is everything okay?" i gasped at him tone. "Just get over here" he hung up.

"Bryce sounds like somethings wrong, we all need to go over there" I sigh before slipping on my slides.



"Jesus christ" My eyes widened at stephs apartment. Glass scattered the floor and knives were thrown everywhere. Her couch was pushed on its back as dishes were thrown into shards.

"This place looks ransacked" Griffins eyes widened at the open cupboards.

"Guys" nessa says before kneeling down. She picked up a Small pill bottle that had a few pills falling out before reading the label as we all stared intently

"Temazepam?" Nessa reads off the bottle as she raised her eyebrows in confusion.

Bryce pulled out his phone before typing his password.

"Uhh guys" bryce says worriedly. "yes what is it" nessa paced over to him. "Its pills for insomnia" his soften in sadness as reality hit us all.

She hasn't taken them at all.

"Hey Jay, Youre hoodie was on her bed with this on top" Anthony tosses over the hoodie and the small piece of paper.

"Read it" nessa says as she came towards my side.

dear Jaden

This is probably the most corniest thing ive ever done but oh well. Ive never really experienced love with anyone. I had a few boys in my life here and there but nothing serious. Youve made me realize how fucked up love can be. Sometimes i really wanna strangle you but Somehow at the end of the day i still find a way to love you. Because Jaden Its true, I definitely fucking love you dumby.

Atleast i can say that love is definitely more then 1 thing. especially for us. Its abuse, Its tears, Its arguments, Its backstabbing to others but most of all, Its Comatose ;) 

Sincerely Steph

I read it out as nessa and everyone gathered around me. I felt a stray tear escape my eye before felling nessa rest a hand on my shoulder in comfort.

"I gotta talk to her" I rubbed my head as i felt more tears well my eyes.

"I think i may know where to find her" nessa sighs before tapping on her phone.


Im sorry for the small chapter, Im trying to write as much as possible for yall But i got hella shit, My dad just got the virus so ive been stuck helping

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