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3 weeks later


"Yes that sounds great!" I spoke through the phone to my manager.

It's official. My apartment is sold to a young couple. it honestly took a load off my shoulders.

Anyways. Let me catch you up on the last 3 weeks. Blake and noah are now part of sway. Nessa and josh are on the verge on breaking up but wont because nessa cheated. We all had beef with chase so i went with the guys to the hype house and almost fought Alex warrens girlfriend. Jaden and I have been arguing and then hooking up a lot. It's honestly really toxic. Mads has came bye a few times for nessa but only nessa, she still remains with the same hate. But bryce And I have been going to the hype house a lot and i became closer with everyone after we all settled the beef. Tayler has become like a bestfriend to me. Blake and Noah have become bestfriends to me also. But besides that. Everything else has been great.

"Steph" I looked over as bryce whispered.

"Uhm yea let me call you later, Thankyou for everything" I smiled before hanging up.

"Whats up bubby" I smiled as Bryce's face soon soften at the nickname.

"Your moms here" He said causing my eyes to widen.

"oh Ogey yea" i sighed at the sudden surprise.

Walking into the kitchen, along with bryce behind me. I come face to face with the women who raised me. She stood with a long paper and her bag sitting on the chair near her.

"Mama" I smile sweetly at the shorter blonde women who instantly shined a grin at me. "Hello honey" She met me in the middle as we hugged.

"How are you honey? I know last time you left me, You weren't doing so well" her eyes filled with worry as she frowned. "Mama, Im doing fine now. Jaden and I have have been doing okay" i smile reassuring.

"Well are you guys like a thing" she smirked as i could hear bryce begin to chuckle lightly in the corner of the kitchen.

"Not exactly" i shrugged before quickly changing the subject.

"So mom what has brought you down to L.A"

" Well actually I need your help" she smiles sweet.

"Im helping with a fundraiser in our home town. The venu is out to texas. And I was really wondering if you and all your friends could come out to texas with me" She started.

My eyes widen at the sudden invite as she starts to speak again.

"I could really use your help. Itll be a charity ball. We all have to wear masks and people can dress up for raising money" she spoke happily.

"Mom, Id love to" I smiled. "But ill have to talk to everyone else" I smile as she nods.

"That wont be a problem mom" Bryce spoke up implying that it would be a yes.

She clapped excitedly before continuing to explain everything.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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