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"I have to do this, Alone" i sigh on the verge of tears. "Okay fine, but if i hear screaming or yelling then ill be there" she rests her hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. I smile genuinely before stepping out of the car.

I hesitantly ring the door bell as my stomach starts to nerve even more. i hear the familiar footstep coming towards the door before the door slowly swung open.

"Yea whatever griffin-" nessa smiles before looking over at me. "hey uh, im not here to stay or talk i jus-" i started before getting cut off.

"Steph youre my bestfriend in the whole entire world. Nothing will ever change that" she starts. "But?" i sigh slightly,

"I think we just all need a break from each other, Jaden swears that nothing happened but i somehow know better." she continues.
"Ness i know it sounds worse than it is but-"

"No. Steph i dont wanna hear it. You stole someone's boyfriend. You hurt someone's relationship and you hurt this whole house. " she says harshly as i felt a tear run down my cheek. "Im sorry" i felt more tears come down.

"Ness whos at the door" i hear mads call from beside her before joining her side. "What are you doing here" she crosses her arms.

"I just came to apologize" i hung my head low.

I felt her use her finger to pick up my chin before raising her hand to slap me. I squeeze my eyes shut knowing i deserved it before her wrist was grabbed.

"I think the fuck not" i felt tana laugh behind me. I look up at her before throwing her a thankyou smile.

"Tana mongeau?" mads snickered

"How could you steph, you know how much beef bryce has with her" nessa shakes her head.

"Nah As i see it. We aren't here for me. she made a mistake. A big one. but she came to apologize to you're sorry asses. so do me a favor and dont even think about hitting my bitch before i have little abuse boy put you on a leash." tana speaks more and more ghetto as she gets in mads face.

I feel myself drown out theyre yelling and sneak past them.

I quickly run up the stairs trying to make it to nessas room at the end if the hall.

{No heart by YNW melly}

I'm not playing fair with my love no more
Feelings I just can't ignore
Heartbreaks, we been here times before
So baby, so long, so long
I'm not playing fair
Playing fair
I'm not playing fair with my love no more
So baby, so long, so long

"What are you doing here" I hear from behind me.

I turn around to find Jaden Standing in his doorway without a shirt.

"I just needed to drop some things off but ill be out soon" i sigh as i felt another tear escape at the sight of him.

"Hey hey baby" his eyes soften before coming close. "Dont cry love" he wipes away my tears.
I shake my head before pushing away his hand.
"Jaden Thi-this cant happen anymore, You were right. this is done" i shake my head before turning.
I felt him tug my arm back before cupping both of my cheeks. "Did i do this" he gestures to my neck. "Jaden" i sob as before looking down. "Im so sorry baby" he rests his forehead onto mine as a small tear escaped his eye. "Jaden i have to go" i shake my head through sobs.

He instantly pulls me in a hug as i felt myself sob into his chest as he began to cry.

"Steph i l-ove" he starts as i shook my head. "Jaden We cant be this anymore. This is goodbye to us" i sniffled through a sob.

I ripped myself away from his hug before pushing into nessas room. I dug into my pocket and pulled out the spare apartment key and set it on her nightstand, near her phone. i felt around in my back pocket and found the note i wrote and set it under the key before another tear dripped to it.

"love you ness" i mumbled through small sobs

Still hearing arguing I quickly ran out and down the stairs before slipping back behind tana.

"Tana lets go, Im done" i tugged her away from mads.

" I was just getting started steph" she rolls her eyes

"Well come on its not worth it" i tugged her more as she finally obeyed.

"Wait steph" nessa tries before i shake my head and push myself back into the car.


I never thought id cry over a girl. But i couldnt help it, I hate seeing my baby cry. She was my baby and I loved her, Ive been trying to tell her but it always gets stopped.

My mind wondered to the image of her neck before i felt another tear escape my eye. I slid down the door as my eyes began to stay puffy and moist (I HATE THAT WORD😂😂😂)

I eventually stood up and walked into my bathroom. I rested my hands on the sink before groaning lowly to myself.


"This is what i mean" I stopped before smashing my  lips to hers. my hands ran through her long blonde locks as I waited for her to kiss back. As bad as it sounded. It felt so amazing, The way my lips melted on hers . I knew its wrong because this is my girlfriends bestfriend but this feels so good. it feels like im on top of the world.

"fuck it" she mumbled before grabbing my chin to face her, Smashing our lips back together. My heart fluttered as I immediately kissed me back.

"w-what" she sniffled causing my eyes to go softer. Her lips were so full and beautiful. She had the most captivating eyes, I cant stop anymore. my hand held the side of the walk before ducking my head down and pressing my lips to hers. i used my other hand to grab her right hip.

"I love your smile daddy" she rested her forehead to mine as I melted into her eyes. "I love everything about you baby" I Caressed her cheek before pressing my lips to hers softly.

"Thank you daddy" she giggled. I felt her stare at my lips as i stared deep into her eyes. "Can I-I kiss y-you" she smiles nervously

end of flashback


"FUCK" I screamed before slamming my fist to the mirror, breaking it to shards instantly.

"fuck fuck fuck" i dropped to the floor as blood rushed out of my knuckles.

"Fucking damnit steph come back" i mumbled through sobs and groans

"Jaden!!!" I turned my head to see nessa rushing towards me through my blurry eyes.


This chapter was kinda deep no cap 🧢 ☹️

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