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my eyes peeled open to sound of the loud robins that appear outside of my window every morning. I felt Jadens arms wrap around me tighter while i struggled to toss over to him. His mouth hung slightly open as he looked so peaceful. I smiled heavily before running my hand down his cheek.

They say the morning after is the hardest, But I didn't feel it. I wasn't feeling as guilty as i probably should. I felt Right, like i was suppose to me right here, in his arms.

His eyes fluttered open at the touching of my hand to his cheek. He cheesed as he rested his hand on the small of my back before pulling me slightly closer causing me to giggle. "Your literally the most beautiful girl in the world" he stared into my eyes causing me to blush. "Thank you daddy" I giggled. I stared at his lips feeling tempted to kiss him. "Can I-I kiss y-you" i  my eyes sparkled up at him. "Oh baby you can do whatever you want" his eyes went soft before he brought his lips to mine. He kissed me softly, Causing me to take his lip in between my teeth and pulling it back.

"Fuck I love when you do that" He groaned. I pulled away and smiled.

"Hmmmm im hungry" he bit his lip back. "Me too. What do you have in mind?" i looked up at him. "Oh i got a few ideas" he smirked causing me to giggle.

As much as i wanted to spend all my time here today with jaden, I had to talk to mads. I said some horrible things to her and There probably wondering where jaden is anyway.

"As tempting as that sounds, The others are probably wondering where youre at and i have to talk to mads" I lightly tapped my finger against his cheek. "Ughhhhh nooo" he embraces my body while digging his head in the crook of my neck. "Daddyyyy pweaseeeee" I plead causing him to sigh. "Fine but Im gonna need to see you again baby" He rests my forehead on his. "Yes yes, How about tonite" I smile. "Sounds good baby cakes" He smiles before i finally get up.

His eyes stay on my body as I slide up my panties and a pair of denim jean shorts. I walk to my closet and pick out a white lace tank top with a gray short cardigan.

I start to wipe off all my makeup and apply a new coat before jaden came up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders , resting his chin on my shoulder. "Why do you use all of that makeup" He looks at me through the mirror. "u-uhm well Idk, I just always feel better when i wear makeup" I stuttered. "Well your so beautiful, you don't need makeup baby" He softly pecked my cheek before slipping his shirt over his head.



I look down at my phone and see nessa was calling me. "be quiet, Its nessa" I shushed him before pressing the green button.

"Hey ness" I apply more mascara. "Hey steph, Listen im in the neighborhood and i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go have a girls day" Ness cheered while i felt Jaden lift my hair off my shoulder and start kissing my neck softly. "u-uhm" I clear my throat as he starts to reach his hand around my thigh. "Steph, Are you okay" Ness chuckled through the speaker. "U-hm yes uh, yes lets have a girls day, Pick me up in 10?" I questioned causing Jaden to suck on my neck harder.

"Okay? well ill see you then" Ness hangs up confused. "Jaden" i warned playfully as he chuckled. "You cant do that to me" I swatted his shoulder.

"Jaden?" I turn around to face him. "Yes princess?" he looked up at me. "What is this" I gestured between us. "Youve been wondering to huh?" he chuckled while slipping his shoes on.

"Yea, Its just- I didnt know what you wanted this to be or" i looked down, fiddling with my fingers. "I guess i dont know what i want anyway" i sighed.

"Hey hey hey" he lifted my chin up at him. "How about we just be friends with benefits, Just until we figure out our feelings some more and we can figure things out with mads to" he smiled.

Oh no, I completely forgot about mads. Shed be crushed over this too. but my mouth spoke before i could think.

"Friends with benefits, I like that"  I smiled up at him before pecking his lips.

*knock, knock*


Hey 👋 Sooo im completely aware that ive been slacking on posting but i literally have been binge watching all american and full house sooo im really sorryyy, Ill try to he more active so my next chapter will either come out tomorrow or the next day🥺 Love youu allll and hope your staying safe through this tough time.

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