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{Nonstop by drake}

Look, I just flipped the switch (flipped, flipped)
I don't know nobody else that's doin' this
Bodies start to drop, ayy, hit the floor
Now they wanna know me since I hit the top, ayy
This a Rollie, not a stopwatch, shit don't ever stop

The sun beamed down on my body as i ran my toes through the hot sand. I sat up on my elbows as i watched people run around and play frisbee.

"So will you talk to me yet" I heard tana sigh as she sat down next to me. "Well i have every right not to talk to you, you embarrassed me last night" i pulled my sunglasses down before laying back on my towel.

"Steph, you only think that because jordyn told you that" she chuckled. "Well still" i sigh in defeat. "Listen, I wouldn't ever think of embarrass, I just talked to some people and i didn't want you doing all those drugs" She said lowly. I looked up at her before raising my sunglasses with confusion.

"What you hear" i raised my eyebrow. "All im saying is i just dont want you getting into any dangerous old habits steph, Youve become my bestfriend and last night was terrible once u took those drugs" she said in a stressing voice.  "It wasnt that bad tana" i rolled my eyes, Completely ignoring the part about 'old habits'

"Steph you did the drugs and teated your limits all because you're hurt and i get it but u cant-"  tana started before i cut her off

"Woah woah woah, Tana i did the drugs because i wanted to. Im not hurt  about shit" i rolled my eyes.

"Oh so you kissing me and mumbling about me being jaden isnt hurt? Steph you fucking miss him and you need to admit it. You need help" she said causing me to give her wide eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak but gets cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up, reading *mommy💞🥺* across the screen.

"hold that thought" i held up my finger before pressing the green button.

"hey mo-" i start

"Stephanie you better get home right now" my mom mumbles angry before instantly hanging up.

"who was that" tana said as i set my phone down. "Uh my mom, she sounds mad" i shook my head before standing up to grab my things.


The short walk back was really silent and awkward as we finally showed up to my moms house.

once we walked through the front door, We instantly heard talking before walking down the small hallway to the living room.

I turned the corner and instantly lock eyes with the icy blue eyes that belonged to jaden. I stopped in my place as everyones eyes turned to me. I opened my mouth to speak before getting cut off by my mom.

"Stephanie." My moms angry tone caused me to have a mini heartattack because she never really gets furious with me.

My mind instantly slipped to the drugs, Did she know? Did tana tell her?

Homewrecker  |Jaden hossler|Where stories live. Discover now