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They say freedom is when you can do what ever you want

Choose the things you like without thinking of other people's opinion

Loving without other people controlling
and stopping you

and choosing which path and dream will you take that is no one reprieving you

and lastly they say we are born free
but sometimes that saying looks like fake
and a lie

why ? because we can never do the things we want freely

and  the truth is from the first day of our lives
is we are somehow living in cage

and being controlled by others
and we can only be truly free when we are far from them

when we achieve something bigger

that we can sustain and make our selves
live happier
with or without them

but when we are with them
and when we still have nothing to lose
is they can easily tame and controll us

because they know that we need them

and we need to satisfy them first before ourselves
because they are the one who sustain us

so we need to be motivated and push harder
until we achieve something bigger

and have something that can really satisfy ourselves

and till the day when we don't need  them that much
and we can be released from their cage

because the truth is freedom is not something easy to achieve

because freedom comes at a price

so i hope that we can never be tired on fighting for our own freedom

until the day that we get what price of being free really is

until we can be really be happiest on doing the things that we desire the most to do

because that's what life is its about you and your dreams and the way you want to live for yourself .

Verses of Her Life Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon