This world is somehow cruel
Though it has many good persons
Yet there are more evil and heartless person
Than the good ones
I don't understand why i need to suffer
And experience this hell school life
Why i must have to experience this difficulties
To become stronger
Can't i be happy without such challenges
Why can't i have those other choices to become free
And to live happily without such anxieties
In what i am doing
I fucking hate this life right now
It feels like i am dreaming by bitter despair
How many nights do i have to cry all alone
Just to release all my pain and sorrow
How many nights do i have to fight this cruel voices inside my head all alone
Just to not disappoint them
Because they don't want a insane daughter
And it will hurt their ego
How long do i have to endure this sufferings
Just to get their dreams achieved
How long do i need to prove myself to them
Sometimes i just wanna scream to the world and say i can't take it anymore
But even those scream is useless to them
And sometimes i think the only way to escape
Is to end my life even though i didn't want to do it
Because i have so many dreams want to achieve
But sometimes the world is just too much for me
And i cannot take it anymore
And i want to give up
Because its hard to live like you are being controlled like a robot.

Verses of Her Life
PoesiaThis work of mine is my creative way of expressing , telling and writing my life story and feelings that is turned to poetries and essays . This book also contains some filipino poetries but don't worry there is also an english poetries and essays...