Cast (and other info! Please read)

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Sophia Lillis

AsAimes Ryans"They may not be pros

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Aimes Ryans
"They may not be pros. But the guys are my team. Win or lose"

Vincent LaRusso

AsAdam Banks"Amethyst for God sake! It's like every time you're on the ice you're dripping blood from ya face!"

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Adam Banks
"Amethyst for God sake! It's like every time you're on the ice you're dripping blood from ya face!"

Emillio Estevesz

AsCoach Gordon Bombay"No problem kid, and happy to

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Coach Gordon Bombay
"No problem kid, and happy to. I don't I don't want you to get separated from the team"

Garette Ratliff Henson

AsGuy Germain"Because! You're the Queen of the rink! You're the best hockey player in Minnesota!"

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Guy Germain
"Because! You're the Queen of the rink! You're the best hockey player in Minnesota!"

Joshua Jackson

AsCharlie Conway"He's a good player

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Charlie Conway
"He's a good player. I don't know. I guess it would be nice to have another one of you on the ice"

Skeet Ulrich

Skeet Ulrich

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Mr. Ryans
"Where the hell are you going!"

Thomas Brodie Sangster

AsFreddy Ryans"Amethyst Joan Ryans! The next time you come out here in shorts I'm gonna

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Freddy Ryans
"Amethyst Joan Ryans! The next time you come out here in shorts I'm gonna... I don't even know!"

Oldest to Youngest (by month)

Fulton Reed
Guy Germain
Charlie Conway
Adam Banks
Aimes Ryans
Jesse Hall
Terry Hall

This book is dedicated to alwayskeep_fighting. I was looking through their reading list and saw another Adam Banks fanfic, which got me back into this fandom! So thank you! <3

Alright! Enjoy!

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