What happened

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Aimes Pov.
I already had my skates from the game, so I decided to go to the lake. I sighed as I tied up my skates. I started to skate around the lake. Skating always calmed me down. I thought about my brother. Would he be proud of me? Would mom still be around if he was alive? Would I still live with dad? Would he have started hitting me anyways? I shuddered at the thought. I didn’t even want to live with my dad anymore. I wish I could have said goodbye to my mom. Ask her if she still loved me. Whatever, she doesn’t love me, why do I have to love her? She left me.

“Hey can i join you” I heard a voice behind me. I know that voice.

I turned around.

“I don’t know. You know how to skate?” I smirked as I skated to the edge of the ice “Hey Banks”

“Hey Amethyst” He smiled back. I chuckled as he came onto the ice with me.

“So how was your game?” I asked.

“Pretty good. We won 7 to 5” He sighed.

“I’m guessing you didn’t play?” I asked. He nodded “That must’ve sucked” He nodded again.

“I heard about your dad. I’m really sorry Amethyst” He offered me a small smile, which i returned.

“It’s fine. I’m not too upset about it really” I sighed.

“Yeah” he nodded.

After a couple more hours of skating it started to get dark, so we just layed on the snow by the side of the pond.

“Amethyst what happened to the rest of your family? How come you’re living with Bombay?” He asked me. I sighed.

“Four years ago. My older brother Freddy passed away from cancer. My mom couldn’t handle the pain, and she left me and my old man” I began “My dad started getting angry. He started drinking, and shoving me around. He never hit me, just shoved me against walls and stuff, or, he never hit me until a couple weeks ago”

Adam was in shock.

“Amethyst, I'm so sorry. That’s ridiculous” he sighed. 

“Thanks Adam, and it’s alright. I got the team, and I’m living with Gordon. My life is starting to get better” I sighed. He nodded. A car then pulled up. It was Gordons limo. He walked out of it and came over to us. Adam stood up.

“I’ll see you later Amethyst” He smiled.

“See ya Adam” I smiled back.

Adam skated off while Gordon walked over, with a smirk.

“Nothing happened. We just skated and talked” I smirked back.

“Don’t worry Ryan’s I get it” He laughed “What did you talk about?”

“My family” I sighed. Gordon gave me a look and I knew he would ask me “Sit” I pointed beside me. He chuckled and sat beside me “Long story short. My mom left us, after my older brother died of cancer”

“Aw Aimes I’m sorry” Gordon sighed. I just shook my head.

“Ya know Freddy’s the reason I love hockey. He taught me everything I know. He could’ve been great” I sighed.

Gordon nodded.

“He’d be proud of you Amethyst. Defiantly proud” He sighed.

“Thanks” I smiled. Hey wait a minute “Hey! Who said you could use my full name!” I exclaimed. Gordon started to laugh.

“Well I don't see you stopping Banks” he smirked.

“Adam is different” I mumbled, not looking him in the eye.

“Uh huh. Yeah, sure Aimes” He chuckled. 

I groaned and threw some snow at him.

“Whoa!” Gordon exclaimed. I started laughing “Alright, it’s on Ryans” Gordon smiled and we skated around the pond, having a snowball fight. By the time we got back home, it was late and dark, and we were soaked. I slept on the couch again. I thought about Adam again too. Would he show up to the game next Saturday? I hope so. Oh this will be interesting.


Hey guys sorry about the short chapter. But 200 reads!! Thank you guys so so much, I am so so greatful!! I love you all!<3

The Royal Duo • Mighty Ducks | Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now