It's okay. You're safe

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Aimes Pov.
I walked in the door and plopped my bag on the ground. Not a second later I was slammed up against the door. 

"Where were you! Huh! Where have you been!"

"I was out with a friend!" I said, a little louder than I wanted to. 

"Excuse me?" My dad scoffed. His breath reeked of beer. He slammed me up against the door again. This time I hit my head.

"Ow! What the hell!" I yelled. I then left a sharp pain on my cheek, and I was dropped to the ground. He slapped me. My dad had never slapped me. I looked up in horror at my dad. He just walked off into the kitchen. I quickly stood up and ran out of the house. I was in shock, and I was scared. I ran over to Guy's house. I went inside and ran up to Guy's room. We never knocked, we didn't need to. I burst into Guy's room, seeing him shirtless, reading on his bed. I was in tears by then, I couldn't help it. Once he saw me he quickly jumped up and ran to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Hey. Hey it's okay. You're okay Aimes. Calm down. Just calm down. You're okay" Guy shushed. I kept crying.

"He hit me" I sobbed. Guy let go of me and held my shoulders.

"He what!" Guy exclaimed angrily. 

"He slapped me" I kept sobbing. Guy pulled me back into a hug, this time I wrapped my arms around him as well.

"It's okay. You're safe. You're staying at my house alright? You don't have to go home, it's okay" Guy assured me. I nodded as I cried into his chest. Once I calmed down Guy gave me a t- shirt to sleep in, it was really big on me. I slept on their couch, or tried to sleep. I was too busy thinking about Banks- I mean Adam. Why was he so nice to me? I'd scored 4 goals against them. Also why did I have to like him! It was official, I Amethyst Ryans, have a crush on Adam Banks. Oh the boys are gonna kill me. 


Aimes Pov.

The next day I woke up on Guy's couch. I groaned remembering the night before. I sat up and looked around the house. It was a lot neater than mine. Suddenly a tired looking Mrs. Germain walked into the living room. She saw me and gave me a groggy half smile. 

"Oh. Hello Aimes"

"Morning Mrs. Germain" I chuckled. Yup, this was how close we all were.

"Aimes for the last time, please. It's Elaine" I nodded when Averman burst through the door. 

"Aimes-meister! Top of the morning" Averman smiled. I chuckled as Mrs. Germa- Elaine walked into the kitchen.

"Too early" she groaned, making me chuckle "Aimes you want a coffee!?" She asked me.

"Yes please!" I called back.

"Yeah, why'd I even ask" I heard her mumble. I chuckled as a sleepy Guy walked down the stairs.

"Hey guys. How ya feeling Aimes?" Guy asked.

"Better" I smiled softly.

"Hold up, did I miss something?" Averman asked. 

"Well tell you later" Guy nodded at him. Averman nodded back. 

"Oh hey! Guys hurry up and get dressed! We're meeting the boys at the hangout" Averman told us. We both nodded as we ran upstairs to get dressed. I had a few clothes there, since I stayed over so much. I wore a pair of baggy jeans and a black t-shirt, with a red flannel over top, a red and black varsity style jacket, and a red toque since it was getting a lot colder. We walked downstairs again.

"Oh! Aimes here! In a to go mug" Elaine smiled.

"You are amazing Elaine" I smiled. 

She smiled back before we ran off to meet with the boys.


"What!" Averman examined as we reached the hang out. I nodded.

"Just, don't tell anyone yet, alright?" I grabbed Averman by the scruff of his shirt. Averman nodded and I let him go.

When we reached the hangout (which was really just an alley we hung out in) we saw Jesse, Terry, Peter, Karp, and Charlie crowding around a box. It had model catalogs in them. I rolled my eyes as Averman picked up a magazine.

"I can't believe this! Who would throw these away!" He exclaimed.

"Hey hold on a minute. First looks free, next five minutes cause a buck each" Karp told them. I'm guessing he found them.

"Yeah guys fork it over" Peter told them.

"Forget it Karp. I can watch this stuff every day on Mtv" Averman said putting his back in the box.

“You guys are gross” I cringed, but no one listened.

"Hey guys, this one’s from Minneapolis. Hey Guy look, it's your mom" Peter joked. 

Guy got annoyed and we chased Peter into a corner.

"Let's give him a wedgie!"

"That's a good idea Jesse!" Guy yelled.

"Hey come on I was just kidding okay!" Peter yelled. I chuckled.

"Hey! Give it back!" I heard Karp yell. I turned around and saw Larson, McGill and Adam. Oh great.

"Hi, girls" Larson smirked.

"Does your mommy know you have that?" McGill said in a baby voice as they are to circle us on their roller blades.

"Nah, she's busy with the mailman," Larson answered.

"That'd make great bathroom reading" Adam added. He didn't look happy to be here though. I was glaring at the two before I locked eyes with Adam. He saw me and stopped skating. He gave me. a sorry look.

"Give that back I found it!" Karp yelled.

"You don't even know what to do with it wuss breath" McGill smirked. Fuse broke. I shoved McGill to the ground but Larson came up and punched me in the face. 

"Hey knock it off!" Adam yelled at Larson and McGill, but neither boy paid attention.

McGill was back up and shoved me over, but Guy caught me. McGill punched me in the face as well, but this time I punched him to, and then Larson. Making both their noses bleed. Suddenly a really tall guy came up behind them, picking up Larson and McGill before shoving them to the side, knocking Adma down with them. He growled at them and Larson and McGill took off. I helped Adam to his feet.

"Thanks" He smiled at me. I nodded. He swiped his thumb under my nose. I was taken back before I noticed the blood. 

"Would ya quite bleeding so much" he joked before skating off with a smile, I smiled too. I knew the tall guy, Folton Reed. He's in my science and math class. 

"Hey thanks Folton" I held my hand out.

He grabbed my hand and we did that bro bumping shoulders thing, before he walked off. Guy came up checking my nose instantly.

"Are you okay Aimes!" He checked tilting my head up. I swatted his hand away.

"I'm fine. A bloody nose is nothing" I smirked. 


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