Duck tape you to the boards

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Aimes Pov.
When we left for the playoff stadium. Gordon said he had a special surprise for us. We didn’t need gear, just our skates. I was in a hotel room with Guy, Averman and Adam. 

“What do you think we’re doing?” Averman asked.

“We’re gonna duck tape you to the boards and sacrifice you to the Hawks” I joked, tackling him onto a bed. 

We were all laughing and having a great time. I got dressed in a blue t-shirt, black ripped jeans, a grey flannel under my leather jacket, and a black beanie. I hung my skates around my neck as the four of us walked to the stadium with the others. 


When we got there. It was amazing. It was big, bigger than our rink. But the better thing was who was on the ice.

“Guys, are those the North Stars?” I asked in shock.

“This is amazing,” Charlie sighed.

“I can’t believe it” Adam sighed, looking down at me. I looked up at him, he had the biggest smile on his face. It reminded me how much I liked him.

“What are we doing here?” I asked Gordon.

“A little playoffs present” He smirked. 

The players then started to walk off the ice, most of them saying hi to us as they passed.

“Hey Gordo! Gordon Bombay right?”

 We all stood with our mouths wide open.

“You remember me?” Gordon chuckled.

“Sure, from Pee Wees. This guy used to rule in Pee Wees”

“Oh yeah? I thought you became a farmer”

“Actually I became a lawyer. But I’m coaching Pee Wee now, and this is my team, the Ducks. Ducks, this is Basil McRae and Mike Modano”

We all made sarcastic remarks like “No really” and “We didn’t know”.

“Yeah, alright” Gordon shushed us.

“Hey. You guys listen to him, he knows what he’s talking about” McRae nodded to us.

“So Gordo? Got any minnie Bombays on your team?” Modano asked. Adam instantly shoved me forward. I went to back up but Guy shoved me as well. I laughed sheepishly.

“Aimes Ryan. Best player on the team” Charlie smiled.

“Hey, you stick to this kid” McRae nodded to me, and both guys shook my hand.

“After that how can I not?” I exclaimed, making the others laugh.

“Hey if you ever want a shot, let me know. I’ll get you a try out in the minor league” McRae told Gordon.

“Alright, thanks,” Gordon smiled.

The two men nodded before walking away.

“Alright! Let’s have some fun!” Gordon shouted.

Everyone cheered and all went out on the ice, but I was frozen.

“Hey, ya coming Aimes?” Guy asked.

“That. Was. Awesome!” I yelled.

Guy chuckled as we all started to skate around the huge rink. Adam and I mostly skated together, and I was happy to see Guy and Connie skating hand in hand. At one point we all skated as fast as we could and slid on the ice. Of course, I slammed into the boards and got a bloody nose.

“Amethyst for god sake! It’s like every time you’re on the ice you’re dripping blood from ya face!” Adam yelled. Making us all laugh.

Charlie and I were practicing triple deeks. I skated up to Gordon as he was yelling at Charlie, but we both slipped and fell, and started laughing.


We got to watch the North Stars game that night. I sat with Charlie, Guy, Adam, Averman and Charlie. Charlie kept stealing my popcorn, but apparently it was so Averman could steal my drink. We saw Larson and McGill from the Hawks. They both gave Adam a dirty glare, and I would’ve gone up to slug them if Adam wasn’t holding my hand. Wait! He’s holding my hand!

“Just leave them,” Adam told me. I nodded. 

I think he noticed he was holding my hand because he quickly let go. I decided to take a risk, and I held his hand again, He gave me a shocked look. But I just smiled and went back to the game. 

“Hey guys! Guys Look!” I heard Karp yell. 

I looked up to the scoreboard and it read.


Gordon Bombay, Aimes Ryan 

and the Ducks

My eyes widened as everyone cheered for me. I was speechless. The North Stars won, and we all did a victory dance in our seets.


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