Amethyst Joan Ryans!

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Aimes Pov.

Guy, Adam, Averman and I were all sitting in our hotel room, playing cards when Charlie ran in.

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" He yelled "Okay so my mom cooked diner in our hotel room"

"Mothers" I rolled my eyes, the boys laughed.

"Coach took my mom out!" Charlie exclaimed.

"What!" We all yelled back.

"I know," Charlie sighed.

Eventually we put away the cards and started watching a movie.

"Hey Aimes?" Charlie asked


"Ya think. If my mom, and Coach Bombay get together, we'd be siblings?" Charlie asked.

I was surprised.

"I don't know Charlie. I mean I'm not actually his kid yet" I chuckled.

"Yeah I guess" Charlie also chuckled.

"Hey! Ryans!" Averman yelled.

"What Averman?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Pillow fight!" The three other boys yelled.

I yelled and Charlie and I grabbed pillows and we all began smacking each other around, having a real good time.


"The surprising ducks are still in the game against the hornets. The golden star Adam Banks heads down the ice. Thanks moving right in front stops, he shoots, he scores! It's getting rough out there between the Ducks and the Hornets. Now here's Amethyst Ryans in the slot she stops, shoots, She scores! Back it goes to Averman. He shoots! Score! The Ducks win it 5 to 3 over the hornets! And now it's off to the semi-finals where the Ducks face the Cardinals"


"What a game so far Ladies and gentlemen the Ducks and the Cardinals. Cardinals with it, in their own zone, trying to clear it out. Past the blue line, intercepted by the Ducks. Here's your royal duo Banks and Ryans. The two have great speed. Banks down the middle, goes around one man with a great move, steps around another defender. Passes to Ryans. Score! Ducks with it again. Here's Averman, now getting it over to Banks. Germain is right in the slot. Germain with it! He shoots! He scores! Germain put it off the goaltenders glove into the net! And that does it! The Ducks have won! Can you believe it? 4 to 2, and the Ducks now get set to face the Hawks in the state finals!"


After our defeat of the Cardinals we were all partying and having soda in the dressing room. Guy ran up to me and lifted me into a hug, spinning me around. Averman thought it would be funny to shake up his pop and poor it on me. I looked at him with annoyance. Averman looked scared.

"Uh, uh. Sorry Aimes! I'm sorry!" He yelled.

I chased him around the locker room until I sprayed my pop in his face, and soon we all started doing it. Charlie and I lifted the cooler above Gordon's head, pouring all the water on him. He picked me up, spinning me upside down. We were sweaty, sticky, and laughing. It was a great victory! Now... The Hawks. Oh boy.


Dream/ Flashback

7 year old Aimes is skating around on the pond. She's dressed in a black hoodie with a red flannel over top, boys shorts, and a grey beanie. She's calling her own play by play.

"Aimes Ryans skates down the ice. She's flying! Past the blue line. She fakes the defence. It's just her and the goalie. She skates up to the right side of the net. Takes a shot, it doesn't look good for Ryans but what's this! The puck hits the left corner post, it shoots behind the goalie! Ryans has done it! Scored the winning goal of the game!"

Little Aimes skates around the pond with her arms stretched above her head.

"Oh for God sakes!"

Aimes turns around to see her big brother Freddy coming down to the pond.

"Amethyst Joan Ryans! The next time you come out here in shorts I'm gonna... I don't even know!" Freddy exclaims making Aimes giggle.

She skates up to her older brother who walks onto the ice to meet her.

"How'd I do Freddy? You see me fake all of em out!" Aimes exclaims excited. Freddy chuckles.

"You bet I saw it squirt" he smiles scruffing up her hair "come on. Let's go inside before you catch a cold" Freddy smiles.

Aimes sighed before following her brother.

"I can't wait till I'm as good as you"

Freddy suddenly stops and kneels down to his little sister with a sinister chuckle.

"Oh Aimes. You'll never be as good as me" he has an evil smirk on his face. A present age Aimes is looking at her brother with hurt eyes.

"What?" She sniffs

"You'll never be as good as me. You're always gonna be a little loser, stuck on that team of rejects" Freddy chuckles.

"No" Aimes starts crying "No!" She yells.

Freddy suddenly looks scared before the ice cracks underneath him. He falls through screaming.



Aimes hears a chuckle behind her. She turns around to see her dad holding a beer bottle. Aimes begins to back up.

"Come here you worthless little-

Aimes screams as she falls through the ice.

*End of dream*

I shot up in the bed yelling. I was breathing heavily, and I realized I had tears in my eyes.

"Hey. Hey you alright?" Adam asked. Apparently we passed out on the same bed.

I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest.

"Hey. Hey you're alright. It was just a dream. Nothigs gonna hurt you. It was just a dream Amethyst. You're safe" He shushed me as he ran his fingers through my hair. Eventually I calmed down and pulled away from Adam.

"Thanks Adam" I sniffed.

"No problem Amethyst" he smiled.

Adam whipped a few stray tears off my cheeks with the pad of his thumb. I chuckled and looked down, trying to hide the red on my cheeks. Come on Aimes, get it together.

"We should go back to sleep. We got a big game tomorrow" he smiled at me.

"Yup. The Hawks" I sighed "are you nervous?"

"Ask me in the morning" he sighed, making me chuckle.

We laid back down.

"Goodnight Amethyst"

"Goodnight Adam" I smiled.

I rolled over and laid closer to Adam, pretending I was asleep. Adam chuckled and put an arm around my waist and began to fall asleep too. I slept peacefully, for the rest of the night.


Holly cow 400 reads!!! You guys are amazing!!! Thank you so so much. I feel so blessed that so many of you like my book!!! <3

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