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3rd person Pov.
Almost four months later. Guy, Connie, Averman, Adam and Aimes were walking down the road to go see everyone else. Adam had his arm around Aimes shoulder, Guy had his around Connies,

"Ack! I'm stuck in a couple sandwich" Averman cringed, making the others laugh.

We finally reached the bus with the rest of the guys.

"About time!" Charlie yelled scruffing up Aimes hair.

"Sorry we're late. We had to get Adam and Aimes off the couch" Connie joked.

"Amethyst!" Casey yelled

"We were not!" Aimes and Adam exclaimed, the boys laughed.

Gordon was at the end of the line, and everyone was giving him advice. 

"Look, just don't take any bad dives okay?" Peter smirked.

"Just remember. Keep ya head up man" Jesse and Gordon fist bumped.

"Remember, strength, not concentration" Fulton said.

"Right" Gordon chuckled.

"And for God sakes, soft hands" Averman added.

"Right. Anything else?" Gordon smiled.

"Yeah. Have fun out there Coach" Charlie smiled.

The two hugged before Gordon turned to the rest of his family.

"Any advice from the Royal duo?" Gordon smirked.

"Cake eater" Adam smiled before fist bumping Gordon.

"Hey Dad" Aimes smirked at her newly appointed father "Don't get to bloody "

"Yeah. That's a good one" Gordon smirked, pulling his daughter into a tight hug.

"I must be crazy. Try out with the minors. I'm gonna be going up against guys half my age" Gordon chuckled.

"Just have a good try out Gordon. One step at a time" Casey smiled.

"Yeah you're right" Gordon smiled before he and Casey kissed. 

The Ducks all began cheering.

Aimes Pov.
We were all laughing at my Dad, but I felt a hand under my chin, and lifted my gaze. I smiled up at my boyfriend, and we connected our lips as well.

"Bye. I'll call you guys when I get there. Take care of your sister Charlie" My dad said as he ruffled up my hair. 

No, no, Casey and my Dad haven't actually gotten married. Charlie and I just go by siblings now. All the boys were yelling funny things at Charlie and I. Charlie rested his arms on my shoulder as Adam moved his arms down to around my waist. Dad rushed onto the bus, but the doors were opened again.

"Hey Ducks! No matter what happens. I'll see you next season. We got a title to defend!" My dad yelled and we all cheered as we watched the bus drive away.

Adam flicked my cheek, I turned to face him.

"So does this mean I can upgrade to Ice King since I'm now dating the Ice Queen?" He smirked. 

All the boys were looking at us now. I smirked.

"Does this answer your question?" I asked before I pulled Adam in by his neck, smashing our lips together. Adam rested his hands on my hips. The kiss was full of care and passion, and the boys cheered in the background. 

It had been an amazing season. We got a real coach, who led us through to winning the playoffs. I was in a great family, with an amazing boyfriend. Things really couldn't be better, and I couldn't wait till next year. For the Ducks to reclaim the throne!


Last chapter. I'm sad!! Hey everyone. I wanna thank you all so much for reading my book!  Also 500 reads!! Y'all are amazing! <3 I had such fun writing this, and I know I'm crazy... but I already have the second book written out so be on the lookout for that one! Again thank you all so so much! <3

The Royal Duo • Mighty Ducks | Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now