Ryans! I can't hear you!

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Aimes Pov.
I'd stayed at the Germains since Saturday night and it was now Friday, which meant hockey practice. I went back home and grabbed my hockey gear and a couple more clothes when my dad left for work, so we were late for practice. When Guy and I got there, everyone was practicing how to... look hurt? My hands clenched into tight fists. I was disgusted by cheating. Averman and Guy both looked at eachother. Both knowing I was gonna blow a fuse soon. Coach Bombay came up to us.

"Guys you're late. Grab a partner and take falls. One of you partner with Karp" he told us, before walking away. I was pissed. 

Guy's Pov.
"Please don't make me" Averman pleaded to me. I sighed

"Well we can't partner her with Karp, she'd kill him" I whispered.

Averman took off to be with Karp. I looked at Aimes.

"Come on" I smiled at her, trying to keep her stable. We skated onto the ice. She instantly stuck her stick behind my skate making me fall on my back. I groaned in pain, but got up. She did it again almost instantly.

"Aimes!" I yelled.

"Sorry" she apologized through a clenched jaw. I stood up once more, this time she just shoved me over. I groaned, and figured it was just better to stay on the ground. Coach walked over to us.

"Come on! Act hurt! Look hurt!"

"Do you see who my partner is! You don't think I'm actually hurt!?" I exclaimed. 

I stood up once more.

"I can't believe this," Aimes grumbled. I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Just stay calm Aimes”

Aimes Pov.
"Good, good. Now say it again" Coach Bombay told us.

"Take the fall! Act hurt! Get indignant!" Everyone except me yelled.


"Take the fall! Act hurt! Get indignant!"

I looked over and Charlie was just barely mumbling it. I was just flat out not saying anything.

"Ryans! I can't hear you!" Coach Bombay said to me.

"Good!" I yelled before storming off the ice. 

I was beyond pissed. I ran outside of the rink and around a corner. Throwing my bag on the ground and yelling once again. I kicked the wall.

"Thought I recognized that annoyed yelling" a voice said. I looked beside me.

"Adam? Hey" I gave him a small smile.

"You alright?"he asked, walking towards me.

"Yeah, yeah just. Didn't do great in practice today" I signed. He nodded.

"Hey sorry about Sunday. I didn't want to, it's just... Pressure" he sighed "not that that's a good reason"

I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it" I began to smirk "everyone does stupid stuff under pressure"

Adam chuckled

"Yeah I guess" Adam smiled.

"Hey Adam hurry up!" I heard McGill yell from around the corner.

"Oh, I gotta go. Practice" Adam said with a sad expression.

"No worries. See you around Adam" I smiled.

"See ya around Amethyst" he smiled before jogging away. I chuckled. Why did he keep calling me by my full name?


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