And then Clang!

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Aimes Pov.
"A tie might just be what you need to make the playoffs" Hans told us as we walked around his workshop. I love Hans. I’ve been coming to his shop with Freddy since before I played hockey. He’s like a grandpa to me, and he treats me like a granddaughter. I knew he treated Gordon like a son as well, which just made me even happier.

"The Ducks have a shot at playoffs?" I smiled.

"Sure. Everyone but the last two teams are in, remember? The Panthers got the measles, they forfeited the season. So you beat the Huskies, and you win the playoffs" he smiled.

"Well we might have to play the Hawks" Gordon sighed. My eyes widened in realization, right, I'd have to play against Adam. Oh no.

"Nothings changed since I played," Gordon said. I didn't realize I'd zoned out.

"You played for the Hawks?" I exclaimed. I didn't know if I was happy or not.

"Sure did. Best player on the team" Hans smiled. 

I sighed.


"And no the team hasn't changed, but one little thing has changed. You wouldn't even be a Hawk now" Hans smiled. I was confused "they redrew the district lines last year. The lake is not the boundary anymore" Hans pointed to the district map "You see?"

"I'd be a Duck," Gordon sighed. 

"Cool!" I exclaimed, making both men laugh.

We went home that night and I slept on the couch, I don't know why. It just felt more comfortable. I thought about Banks. Would I really have to play against him? I didn't want to. God this would be difficult.

The next game we were all getting ready, when Jesse and Peter came running in. They just sat there though.

"Hey guys you planning on playing in ya jeans?" I asked them with a smirk. Gordon then walked in. 

"Hey how come you guys aren't in uniform?" Coach asked the two "we got warm ups in half an hour" he then turned to us "alright everyone I got some good news. We're getting a new player, Adam Banks" he said. 

My eyes became wide. What! How is that even- district lines. That's what he was doing up so late. The boys seemed less than enthusiastic though.

"He's a Hawk" Karp cringed.

"He's a good player," I mumbled, reasoning. Karp faked a puking noise.

"But everybody hates him," Jesse groaned.

No I don't.

"Yeah we don't need him" Connie exclaimed.

"Look, I'm the coach and I saw we do need him" Gordon told us "now if we make it to the playoffs he could be a big help"

"If? All of a sudden you don't think we're good enough?" Karp exclaimed.

"No he thinks we're losers. Yeah that's what he told Ryley" Peter scoffed.

"What?" I asked annoyed. He thought that?

"We heard what you said. You said we were losers, that we didn't deserve to live" Peter added. I was mad now. 

"That's not what I meant," Gordon reasoned.

"I saw that picture of you, missing that goal" Peter walked up "you were a Hawk, weren't you? Guess you guys stick together till the end" Peter scoffed.

"Shut up Peter!" I yelled shoving backwards. The two of us would've started a fight if Jesse didn't hold back Peter, and Guy and Charlie didn’t hold me back. 

The Royal Duo • Mighty Ducks | Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now