Gotta repeat the sixth grade

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Aimes Pov. 
"Aimes hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Guy yelled. 

Apparently Coach Bombay wanted to meet up with all of us. I was reluctant. I groaned as I rolled off the couch, literally. Elaine and Guy chuckled as Guy helped me up. 

"Here. To get you out of your morning mood" Elaine smiled handing me a cup of coffee. I smiled and took the coffee.

"I might as well call you... mom..." I trailed off. Guy wrapped his arms around my shoulders comforting me. Elaine smiled.

"I wouldn't think of it" she smiled before walking off.

"Alright let's go!" Guy yelled

"Okay!" I yelled back before running to get dressed. I ran back downstairs in black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, leather jacket and a backwards cap.

"Alright. Hunny I want you to go home for a while alright. You've been here too long. And with the amount you eat I'll have to start working two jobs" Elaine chuckled. I was scared, but I nodded. I didn't want anyone to know. This will be fine, I told myself. Oh boy.


We went to Hans hockey shop. Apparently we were all getting new gear. Wow, things were changing, and for the better at that. I was thrilled. I walked around. Jesse, Terry, Peter and Karp were all punching each other with gloves. Goldberg was trying to put on some goalie pads. I walked over to Charlie. He went grab a stick but they all managed to fall over.

"Nice going Spazway" I chuckled.

"Shut up," Charlie said, hastily dragging me away from the mess. Averman and Jesse started sumo wrestling. I walked over to Guy, and looked at the helmets since mine was still dented. Fulton pulled a stick out of a sculpture for Charlie.

"Who's that?" Coach Bombay asked. 

"That's Fulton Reed. He's in one of my classes" Guy answered.

"How come he's not on the team?"

"He only plays football. Some preppy school gave him a scholarship as long as he doesn't play hockey. They don't want him getting hurt" Jesse said. 

"I heard it was collages. He's already been accepted to four of em" Guy told us.

"Yeah but I heards he's gotta repeat the sixth grade" Goldberg said. 

"Oh shut up" I shoved him before walking away. 


After practice, we now had two new skaters on our team. Tommy and Tammy Duncan. They were figure skaters, which I didn't love, but they were good. Also we got Fulton to join our team! We passed with eggs, learning control, Charlie ended up splattering yolk on Coach Bombay, although I managed to get an egg to splatter right on his face… maybe a little bit on purpose. Luckily he wasn’t mad. We also tied Goldberg to the net, teaching him how to be a goalie. I had lots of fun with that one. 


Hey guys! So in honor of 100 reads I am gonna upload two chapters today. I just wanna say thank you so much for reading my book, it means so much to me that you guys like it<3 I love this series so much and hope you guys enjoy the rest of the book. ILY <3

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