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Aimes Pov.
At our next game, Karp had Peter shoved in a locker as Tammy was chasing Tommy around. I slipped on my jersey and I saw Adam enter the dressing room. Everyone stopped and looked at him.

“On behalf of the ducks. I’d like to say-

I was cut off by Jesse stopping me from walking.

“Cake eater” He glared at Adam. 

I rolled my eyes.

“Welcome to the team Adam. Even if it’s only from me” I smirked. 

Adam gave me a small smile back. 

Gordon walked into the dressing room.

“Hey, wasn’t sure of you’d show up”

“Yeah, whatever. I just wanna play hockey” Adam mumbled, obviously uncomfortable.

“Good. Ducks, you all know Adam Banks” Gordon started 

“Cake eater” Jesse said again. I rolled my eyes.

“Ooo the Jess man, dissin’ the new guy. The jester!” Averman smiled.

“Shut up Averman!” Jesse yelled.

“It was just a joke,” Averman mumbled to me. I chuckled and ruffled up his hair.

“Puttin’ on a Ducks jersey doesn’t make you a real Duck” Jess spat out. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him.

“Leave it Jesse” I scolded him.

Jesse just walked past, shoving Adam as he walked by him. 

The rest of the boys followed, leaving me there with Adam and Gordon. I walked up to Adam.

“Give them a bit Adam. Jesse can be a jerk, but he’ll warm up” I gave him a smile. 

“Hope so Amethyst” Adam mumbled back.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here” I smiled.

I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back before I let go and walked out to the bench.


Adam’s Pov.
Amethyst walked out of the dressing room. I really like her. She’s kind and open minded. Plus she’s an amazing hockey player. Bombay gave me a pat on the shoulder.

“They’re a good group once you get to know them,” He said to me.

“I bet” I mumbled.

“Especially Aimes” he mentioned. I chuckled.

“Yeah, she’s great,” I sighed.

“Yeah. Alright. Suit up, I’ll see you on the ice” He smiled before walking out.

Well, this will be an interesting game.


Aimes Pov.
It was second period. We were down 0 to 1 against the Huskies. It was Charlie, Adam, Jesse, Averman and I on the ice. Charlie, Jesse and Avermna were passing it back and forth, not passing it to Adam even though he was open. I was annoyed with the guys. They were being immature and completely ridiculous. 

“Hey! Hey Jesse!” I smacked my stick against the ice, I was open. Jesse passed me. I looked over and quickly passed to Banks, who quickly skated around the goalie and got it in the net. Almost all of us cheered, and the buzzer rang for half. Adam skated by me.

“Thanks Aimes”

“You bet. Nice shot Adam” I smiled back.

Then Jesse skated up to me.

“Why’d you pass to him?”

“Because Jesse. He’s a good player, and the next time you have a clear shot to pass to him, you’re gonna damn well do it. Got it!” I growled.

Everyone nodded yes, since we’d skated up to the bench now. I nodded back and we took a break. I sat beside Adam as Gordon started to talk.

“Goldberg. You’re gonna sit this one out” he told us. We all began to complain.

“What! You’re pulling the goalie when we’re tied!” I exclaimed.

“A tie’s not gonna help us, we need the win” Gordon exclaimed “Fulton you’re our extra man. Everyone, get the puck to Fulton, that’s your job”

“We pullin’ the statue of liberty coach?” Fulton asked.

That was the play where we fake everyone out.

“No, take your shot. You only got one, so it’s gotta be good” Gordon told us.

“But coach. One out of one?” Fulton doubted.

“Soft hands Fulton. Concentration not strength” Guy reminded, before… winking at Connie!

Oh yes please! Alright, enough. Focus Aimes. We all cheered on Fulton before we went on the ice. Adam and a Huskies player did a face off, Adam instantly passing it to Fulton. He went to take a slap shot but a Huskie player slid it away, then getting back up and skating towards the open net. Fulton and I skated towards him, I was able to shove the Huskie away but I went down to, and my helmet flew off. I slid a bit, but looked back up to see Fulton take a shot, and it broke through the net, just a second before the buzzer went off. We all cheered, I stood up and skated over to Adma, pulling him into a tight hug.

“We did it!” He yelled.

“We made the playoffs!” I yelled with a huge smile.

“Hey Aimes where’s your helmet?” He looked nervous.

“I think it’s over there why?” I questioned.

“Hey Ryans, you’re bleeding,” Fulton said as he passed me to the bench.

I started laughing. We skated over to the bench, we were all hugging and cheering. It was truly amazing. District five was in the playoffs, no. The Ducks, were in the playoffs. I couldn’t believe it.

“Aimes is there ever gonna be a game when you don’t bleed!” Gordon yelled, making us all burst out in laughter.


Hey guys, sorry for crazy uploading dates. It was my birthday the day before yesterday so I busy that day, and I spent all day with my boyfriend yesterday so I have just been busy. But I'm back, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also thank you all so so much for 300 reads! <3

The Royal Duo • Mighty Ducks | Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now