Hockey runs in my blood

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Aimes Pov.
As I was just finished getting changed out of my gear, coach Bombay stormed in.

"Hey! Shut up! You guys stink! I thought we came here to play hockey?" Coach Bombay roared.

"Ya know, I knew we forgot something" Peter replied sarcastically, the others laughed

"Oh you think this is funny? You think losing is funny?" Coach Bombay questioned.

"Well, not at first, but once you get used to it" Averman joked.

"Look we’re the ones getting it but kicked" Jesse complained.

"Yeah and it's not like you coach is our anything. At least we're trying" Terry said angrily. 

"No. Ryans is trying. But the rest of you, you didn't listen to a word I said. I said keep your heads up, you put your heads down! I said hustle, you went slower! That was the sloppiest playing I've ever seen! Why the hell won't you just listen to me!" Coach Bombay finished.

"Why the hell should we" Jesse shoved past him.

"I don't care. Your wanna lose? Fine. You're the ones who look like idiots out there" coach Bombay mumbled. I rolled my eyes and stood up, carrying my bag of gear.

"Nu uh coach. It reflects badly on all of us. You included"

I shoved past him, and out of the change room. I was so pissed off, I felt tears about to fall out of my eyes. I ran to the stands and went under them. I threw my bag on the ground, yelling in frustration. My back slid down the wall as I began to cry. I never let myself cry in front of the guys. Only Guy, and only alone with him. I hated it, it made me weak, and I wasn't weak.

"Hey. Hey you alright?" An unfamiliar voice asked. 

I quickly shot my head up. It was those eyes again. Those beautiful, mysterious blue eyes. Banks. I quickly whipped the tears away.

"I-I'm fine. Really" I stuttered. Damn it. Banks dropped his bag before walking over to me. He bent down. 

"You uh. You still have blood, on your face" he said.

Right, I never washed it off. He took a rag and a water bottle and started whipping off the blood. I didn't know what to say, and I always had some kind of snarky comment. But not this time. Jeez, what does this boy do to me.

"I'm sorry about Larson. He was the one who checked you. He shouldn't have" Banks apologized. I nodded with a small smile "you're really good by the way"

I scoffed.

"Not as good as you Banks. Best Hawk on the ice" I smiled. Banks looked down embarrassed.

"Thanks" he smiled sheepishly. He finished whiping up the dry blood "there ya go Ryans"

"Yeah. Sorry for getting blood on that" I cringed

"Hey as long as it's not in my jersey" he joked, making me chuckle.

"You wanna grab a milkshake?" I asked him. Wait, did I really just say that? He's a Hawk! A very good looking Hawk! Wait no stop it Aimes!

"Uh, sure" Banks smiled.

Wait what? Oh uh... alright then. This will be interesting. 

"Alright" I smiled. We stood up and left the rink. Luckily no one was there, the guys would have killed me for hanging out with Banks. 

"So how long you been playing?" Banks asked me. I chuckled.

"Since i could hold a stick" I smiled "you?"

Banks chuckled.

"Same. Hockey runs in my blood"

"Yeah me too. My older brother used to play before..." I trailed off, not wanting to bring it up.

"It's alright Ryans" Backs ashurred "touchy subject. Don't worry about it" 

I smiled at him and nodded. Wow, this Banks was so different from the ice Banks. Ice Banks was hard and cold. This Banks was kind and nice. 

"It's Aimes by the way" I said.


"My name. It's Amethyst. But everyone calls me Aimes" I smiled.

"Adam" Banks stuck his hand out. I smiled and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Adam Banks" I smirked.

"Nice to meet you Amethyst Ryans" he smirked back. I laughed.

"Aimes, Banks. Aimes" I corrected.

"Well see" he smirked. Making me laugh again.

Once we reached the cafe Banks and I sat in a booth and got our milkshakes. He got a vanilla one, I got a cherry.

"How can you drink that! They're way too sweet!" Banks laughed. I laughed too.

"Hey I like them! Give me a break. I like sweet stuff!" I chuckled.

I was having a lot of fun with Banks. He was a real great guy

The fun soon ended when I got home though. 


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