How'd you know I was under here?

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Aimes Pov.
The next game we played was awful. Goldberg kept falling at the wrong times. He skated over to us after yelling at the reff.

"Goldberg. Don't take the fall while they're shooting at you!" Coach Bombay exclaimed.

"Oh well I guess you forgot to explain that huh?" Goldberg said before we took half time. 

"District five! Cut the acting class. One more dive I forfeit to the Jets" the reff told us. I groaned and threw my water bottle on the ground. 

In the second period we were down 7 to 0. At one point some big guys got Charlie cornered against the boards. The ref called a face off.

"Charlie!" Coach Bombay called him over. I skated with him.

"That guy is twice your size. So the next time they corner ya like that. I want you to grab your eye like it's hurt,and then hit the ice, okay?" Coach said. Charlie didn't say anything he just skated off.

“And Aimes. Next time one of those big guys skates by you, i want you to hit the ice” Coach Bombay told me.

I rolled my eyes before skating away.

"Charlie" I called. He turned to me.

"Don't worry Aimes. I hate this just as much as you do" he half smiled at me before scruffing up my hair. I chuckled and put my helmet back on. 

The whistle went off and we started to play. Charlie got caught in a corner again. I saw him looking at Coach Bombay, but he hit it out with his skate. I was able to get the puck and score.

At the end of the game we lost 9 to 1. I'd only managed to get the one goal because the guys kept falling in front of me. When we were in the change room, everyone was complaining. 

"We can't even win when we cheat. Stupid cake eater tricks" Terry exclaimed.

"That was embarrassing," Connie mumbled.

Sure enough, coach Bombay came storming in once again. 

"Charlie! Aimes what the hell is the matter with you two! When I tell you to do something you do it! And you didn't do a single thing I told you!" He finished, looking at me.

"You can't make us cheat" Charlie stormed out of the dressing room. I stood up once I'd finished untying my skates, and slugged my bag around my shoulder. Fuse broke

"Ya know Coach, I was happy when you first came out. I thought maybe, for once, somebody was actually gonna take the time to make us better! But now you're teaching us to cheat!? Yeah! Some Coach huh? Maybe, if you tried to actually coach us, we'd be better! And someone could get a goal besides me! And believe me, I want that!" I yelled. I ran out of the arena, passing by Jesse and Terry’s dad. I rounded the corner and started to cry again. I couldn't believe that game we just played. What were we thinking? I looked up after a bit and saw some Hawk boys getting out of their cars. I decided to watch their game. That usually made me feel better when I was down. 

I went inside once the game had started so I wouldn't be noticed. The Hawks were great of players as they were awful of people, well, besides Banks. He was as good as he was kind. I understood what he meant by pressure. Pressure by his friends to be like them and stick with the crowd. I watched the Hawks as they were winning 5 to 2 against the Cardinals. During the second period I sat underneath the stands, eating some popcorn I... may have found on the stands. I sat there happily, when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. 

"You came"

I quickly snapped my head around to see

"Adam!" I smiled but it quickly faulted "how'd you know I was under here?" I asked nervously.

He chuckled.

"You always come under here, 20 seconds before a period ends. You thought I never noticed the one girl who comes in two minutes after the game starts and sits in the stands by herself? I never knew it was you though" he smiled. I smiled back.

"I love watching you guys play. You're the best in the league"

"Yeah we're pretty good" Adam smirked while sitting down beside me "If we had you, I bet we'd be unstoppable. Oh Ice Queen" he smirked. I chuckled.

"How do you know that one?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I heard one of your players say it at the game. It's quite fitting" I smiled again.

"Yeah well. You ain't to bad yourself Ice Prince" I smirked.

"Hey how come I'm a Prince and you're a Queen?" He laughed.

"Because I could score circles around you Banks" I chuckled.

"Oh you think so?" He smirked.

I nodded while laughing.

"Hey, and also. They may not be pros. But the guys are my team. Win or lose" I smiled proudly once I calmed down. Adam nodded.

"Good, that's how it should be" he smiled. A few people started to pile in. 

"I better go" Adam stood up.

"Yeah" I nodded "Hey, I'll be cheering" I called.

"Cheering on the rivals? Tsk tsk Ryans" Adam smirked.

"Nah, only 9, give him my regards" I smirked. Adam nodded.

"Yeah sure" he chuckled before running off. I laughed as I went back up in the stands and watched the rest of the game. Cheering Adam on the entire time.


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