Did it go in?

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Aimes Pov.
To say I was anxious would be an understatement. We were playing the hawks, the best team in Minnesota. The guys hated them, because a few boys from their team picked on us. But I'd gone to watch them play before. I'd sit at the very top by myself, then hide under the bleachers during half times. They were really good. 9 was the best, I think his name was Banks, or his last name. He was really good, better than I was by far. He seemed to really enjoy hockey, like not just for the win, you could tell he loved the sport itself, that's what makes a good athlete in my opinion. You have to want to play it, more than wanting to win, while still being determined, and he was. I looked out to see the Hawks warming up. As usual I turned to the team.

"Anybody gonna join me for a warm up?" I asked, and as usual everyone was either not listening, or nodded no. I rolled my eyes and skated into the ice. Skating around for a second, practicing my balance and movements, then took a few fake shots at the net. I looked over and saw the Coach Bombay was here so I skated back over.

"Aimes, good to see someone warming up" he nodded to me. I looked at our team, we couldn't even afford matching uniforms, we just wore large red shirts and used old mismatched padding we found. I was the only one with good padding, but it was too big for me, cause it was Freddy's. Two boys from the Hawks team came over to us. Larson and McGill

"Hi girls" Larson sneered.

Now I have zero to no control when it comes to bully's, I don't like it, but I can't help it. Fuse broke. I threw my stick on the ground and swung a fist at him, but was pulled back by Jesse, Charlie and Guy. Larson just waved before the two skated away. 

"Ice Queen strikes again" Averman smiled. 

I shoved his head making him shut up. 

"Win! Win! Win! Win! Win! Win!" I looked over and saw the Hawks getting hyped, and just like usual number 9 seemed less enthusiastic then the others. Coach Bombay tried to get us to do the same but we weren't enthusiastic at all. 

"Yeah we're fired up" grumbled Coach Bombay. 

We went out onto the ice. They tried to copy the Hawks by hitting Goldberg's shin pads, yeah this will turn out well. Just then Charlie accidentally tripped Goldberg.

"Nice going fool!" Goldberg yelled.

"Sorry I didn't mean to do that" Charlie apologized.

"Oh yeah I just didn't mean to knock you down with my stick!"

"Well yeah oh sure! I came in!"

I skated up to them pushing Charlie away from hitting Goldberg with his stick.

"Hey hey hey! Knock it off guys! Come on you're on the same damn team! Get it together!" I yelled annoyed.

"Sorry Aimes" they both mumbled. 

Did I mention I'm a real piece of work when I'm angry? Heh, yeah, i can get kinda rough when I'm mad. Everyone in lower Minnesota knew not to mess with me, I was kinda known for getting in fights.

McGill was doing face off. Guy, Jesse and I all skated up to him.

"What's this? The Oreo line?" McGill smirked. I threw my stick, to hit him, but the reff stopped me. Like I said, I kinda got a reputation. 

Guy faced off against McGill. Jesse to his left, Charlie and Terry and defence, me on his right. I looked ahead of me and locked eyes with the boy in front of me. He had deep, bright blue eyes, his eyes were absolutely beauti- Hey! Come on Aimes snap out of it! Play some hockey, besides he's a Hawk! Too bad I can't see his number... McGill instantly got the puck passing it over to the boy beside him and knocking Guy over. He skated past all the boys as they fell over. I skated towards him but he deeked me and Goldberg shrunk down, making it easy. I groaned as he skated passed me knocking over my helmet.

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