I was staring at my ceiling

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Aimes Pov.
I loved Hockey. The cold ice under my sharp metal skates. The wind blowing my hair behind me as I skated around the pond, way past my curfew, not that it mattered. Hockey was my passion, and my love, and I was pretty good at it. There was that odd time, when I felt like I could fly. I remembered the first time I held a hockey stick, it was my big brother's old one, I was 4.

I thought about my brother a lot, and everything he did for me. He died a couple years ago from cancer, it hit our family hard. I laid on my bed that afternoon, remembering how much fun I used to have playing with my brother. He taught me how to skate, taught me how to shoot. He could've been an amazing hockey player if he hadn't passed away.

I suddenly heard rocks hitting my bedroom window, pulling me back to reality. When did it get darker out? I rolled off my bed to the window and saw Guy Germain and Les Averman throwing rocks at my window. Guy and Averman were my best friends, we'd lived beside each other since before preschool. I opened my window and was hit in the forehead with another pebble.

"Ow! Jeez guys!"

"Sorry Aimes!" Averman called. I knew it was him. I rolled my eyes and looked at the two.

"So what's going on guys? What time is it?"

"It's almost 5:00 Aimes!" Guy answered

"Damn it! Sorry I was staring at my ceiling" The boys chuckled. I rolled my eyes again, but chuckled "Hey give me a sec I'll be right out!" I yelled at the guys before closing my window and getting dressed.

Luckily for me I was a real tomboy so getting ready was real easy. I put on some camo cargo pants, a grey hoodie that read Hockey across the front. I quickly brushed my short hair and stuck a baseball cap on backwards before slipping on a leather jacket, and leaving my room. I rushed down the stairs, quickly grabbing my house key and wallet. I was about to open the door but a hand held it closed. Oh I was hoping to avoid this.

"Where are you going?" My father asked.

"Just out" I kept my head down as I replied. Obviously I forgot who I was talking to because my back was instantly slammed up against the door.

"You think you can talk to me like that!"

"No Sir" I replied quickly.

"Where the hell are you going!"

"Out with Averman and Guy to hockey practice" I said with no emotions. My dad let go of the scruff of my jacket.

"Aren't you forgetting something then?" My dad mumbled walking towards the kitchen "Stupid kid"

I rolled my eyes and picked up my skates, hanging them around my neck, and picked up my stick before leaving. I walked down the steps of my house towards Guy and Averman.

"About time Aimes!" Averman joked.

"You good Aime?" Guy asked. I nodded my head smiling at them. They both nodded and we walked off to the pond for practice. The whole gang knew my dad was rough with me, it started when mom left, after Freddy died. He started drinking. He's never hit me, he just shoves me around. I learned to get used to it.


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