Some stupid number?

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Aimes Pov.
After our next practice Gordon said he had something to show us. He opened a box, they were jerseys.

"The Ducks? We're the Ducks?" Jesse questioned 

"Man what brain dead jerk came up with that" Peter scoffed.

"As a matter of fact I did but I didn't have a choice, we're being sponsored" Gordon said.

" By who, Donald and Daisy?" I smirked. 

"Hey! You don't wanna be ducks? You'd rather be district five or some stupid number?" Coach asked.

"Better then some stupid animal" Peter scoffed.

"I'll have you know Peter. That the duck, is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom"

"But they're wimpy," Connie exclaimed.

"They don't even have teeth!" I exclaimed.

"Neither do hockey players!" Gordon joked, we all laughed "have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight?" 

"Yeah, Aimes," Averman joked, making us all chuckle. I smacked him up the side of the head.

"Well besides her, no. Because they're afraid. See every animal knows, you mess with one duck, you mess with the whole flock" Gordon then took of his coat and we saw his jersey "I'm proud to be a duck, and I'd be happy to fly with any one of you guys" he smiled at us "who wants to be a duck?" He asked us. 

I smirked.

"I wanna be a duck" I smiled, lifting myself from my seat beside Guy.

"Me too" Folton followed me to the box.

"Yeah, me too" Charlie said. 

Soon we were all looking for our jersey. I finally found mine at the bottom. Ryans, 0. Way cool. Yup, I'm a proud Duck. 

"Now we're the Ducks!" Gordon yelled.

"Yeah!" We shouted back.

"The Mighty Ducks!" 


"What are we!?"

"The Ducks!"

This is going to be great.


At our next game we were playing against the Cardinals. We tried a new warm-up. We were passing footballs to each other. 

"Every time you get the puck. You're the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver, let em know it's coming" Gordon told us "come on guys this isn't a library! Talk to each other!" 

I was passing with Charlie. I saw the other team rolling their eyes like we were crazy. I got annoyed and threw the ball a little too hard. I nearly hit Charlie in the face but he ducked down. I almost hit Gordon too but he just barely caught it.

"Aimes!" Charlie yelled.

"Sorry Charlie" I cringed.

"Hey Aimes!" Gordon yelled "try not to kill the other guy huh?" He smirked, I nodded sheepishly "awesome throw though" 

I laughed along with the guys who were listening. 

Right before the game started Fulton went out onto the ice and began shooting. Wow I'd hate to be the goalie on the other team.  He took slap shot after slap shot. One almost hitting the crowd, one flying above the score board, one even cracking the glass above the side boards

The Royal Duo • Mighty Ducks | Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now