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Aimes Pov.
I sat in science class with the rest of the Guys. It was funny. We all had fourth period science together. I was slowly falling asleep in my hands as my teacher continued to talk.

“That’s right. The red is oxygen. Now what are the blue balls?” Our Teacher asked, making us all chuckle. 

“Tommy?” The teacher asked.

“Hydrogen?” Tommy answered.

“Is correct! Now, put those two together, and you get a molecule that makes up 96% of your body. Anyone guess what that is?”

“Pizza?” I answered with a smirk making the guys laugh.

“Alright, alright settle down” Our teacher told us.

There was then a knock on the door.

“It’s the principal, I’ll be right back” Our teacher then walked out the door.

“So How’d the foreit go Spazway” Karp turned to us.

“Yeah did you score?” Peter smirked.

“Leave it alone guys” I mumbled.

“Yeah guys. Neither of us wanna talk about the team” Charlie added.

“Oh yeah sure, coaches pets. Yeah everyone knows he likes you two best” Peter snickered.

“Likes his mom you mean” Karp smirked.

Charlie stood up shoving his desk aside and shoving Karp. I shoved my desk away too and grabbed Peter by his jacket.

“Shut your face Peter” I yelled “Leave him alone Karp” I shoved Karp.

“Hey you got no right shoving Karp!” Peter shoved me.

“Don’t shove me!”

“Hey leave her alone Peter!” Guy shoved Peter away.

Soon enough we were all shoving each other around and yelling. Then we were all throwing the molecule balls at each other. Our teacher and principal came in in a panic. She pointed at all of us.

“You! In your seats! All of you back in your seats now!” She exclaimed. 

We all rushed to our desks, me and Charlie realizing ours were on the ground still, so we just stood there. All of us trying not to laugh about it.

“I’ve never, in my life...” she trailed off in shock “What do you have to say for yourselves?” She questioned us.

We just sat there for a second, but I got an idea.

“Quack” I said with a smirk.

“Excuse me?” She glared at me. I looked over at Charlie, then the others.

“Quack, quack, quack” I started chanting, and soon everyone else on the team was chanting with me. 


We ended up in detention for that. We were writing “We will not Quack at the principal” on the black boards. 

“Hey thanks for getting us in detention Ryans” Peter smirked at me.

“Oh shut it Peter. You didn’t have to do it with me” I scoffed. 

Peter became speechless, making the others snicker. 

Suddenly Gordon walked into the room.

“What do you want?” Karp exclaimed.

“I wanna talk to you guys” Gordon sighed

“People!” Tammy exclaimed, making me roll my eyes.

“Right, people. Sit down please, all of you” I sat on a nearby desk, but everyone else just stayed where they were “Okay, don’t sit down. Look! What’s done is done. I wanna be your coach again” Gordon started.

“You wanna coach a bunch of losers?” Averman asked.

“No. I wanna coach the Ducks” Gerdon stated.

“What about the things you said? You said we didn’t deserve to live” Karp reminded.

“Karp. Do you know what sarcasm is?” Gordon asked.

“Nooooo!” Karp replied sarcastically.

“Alright, then ya do” Gordon chuckled “I didn’t mean those things, the way they sounded. You guys know what it’s like to be misunderstood right?”

“Of course we do” I started.

“We’re kids,” Peter added. I looked at Peter. We nodded at each other, with some respect.

“So? Can you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?” Gordon asked us.

“What about Banks?” Guy asked.

“He can be on the team if he wants. He should’ve been with us the whole year, but it was you guys who were cheated. But let’s forget that crap! We’re a team right?” We all gave a small “Yeah” in return. Gordon walked up to Charlie and I “I made you guys, and I’m sticking with ya” he smiled, copying what Charlie said the other day. We smiled back at him “So! What’s it gonna be? We can play tomorrow night! Still have a shot at the playoffs? Or we can forfeit again, and the season’s over” Gordon finished.

“What do you say Peter?” I walked up to him with a light smirk.

“Well. I guess it would be better if we practiced first” He sighed.

We cheered and did that bro shoulder thing. 

“Alright. Now let’s see if I could get you out of detention” Gordon smirked.

“Yes!” Karp exclaimed.

“Take that” I high fived Goldberg and Charlie.

“You really quacked at the principal?” Gordon smirked.

“Aimes started it!” Averman yelled, we all laughed.

“Yeah I could’ve figured that” Gordon smirked at me, he chuckled “Are we Ducks for what!” He yelled.

We all cheered and started laughing. Alright. The team was back together!


That night I was helping Gordon make dinner.

“Hey Gordon? What made you change your mind?” I asked him.

“Well. You and Charlie… and...” he trailed off with a smirk.

“And what?!” I exclaimed.

“Ryley got me fired from my job” he started laughing.

I knew he was telling the truth, but I started laughing with him. Gordon was the best coach we could get. I was glad he came back to us.


Sorry for weird uploading, life's hecktick, but I'm determined to finish this book!

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