"You knew exactly what you were doing the whole time... and that's what hurt the most."
She was perfect. Happy. She knew what she wanted in life and loved to live. She was carefree and despite her grief and guilt she was always seen smi...
I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I will be enjoying writing it.
Please feel free to point out any grammar or spelling errors because I may miss some as soon as I edit the book.
Also it would mean a lot to me if you could vote and comment on chapters that you really like and think is good.
Frankly this is important to any writer as it shows appreciation for their work.
Now without further adue...
Please welcome the cast of Game Over.
Juliet Johnson | 17
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Extremely weird and different person who doesn't care about the oppinions of others. She is free spirited and carefree and wears her heart on her sleeve. She trusts easily and cares about others a lot. She enjoys life to its fullest and always tries to help where she can.
Noah Micheals | 18
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If you look up the definition of a 'dick' you'll see his picture there. He's a wild and sarcastic person. Never sleeps with a girl more than once if he can help it. He likes to live on the edge and never passes up a good challenge.
Veronica Andrews | 17
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Doesn't give a fuck. If you call her Veronica she WILL punch you in the throat. She is Number 2 of the three musketeers and if you hurt her friends she will kill you in your sleep.
Everest Jones | 17
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Musketeer #3! One of the smartest people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. He is a complete sweetheart and you always see him smiling. Has never killed a bug in his life and doesn't ever intend to. But don't let that fool you he is the definition of a diva. He's gay and is completely fine with it. You should be too.
Nicole Dowry | 17
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B.I.T.C.H! Rich, spoiled and always gets what she wants. She's pretty and deffinately knows it. Queen bee in her school and if you piss her off get ready to be misserable. Every guy wants her, but there's only one she has her heart set on getting.
Jason Freeman | 18
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Also a dick, but loves being one. He's one of Noah's best friends and is always there to help land a punch. He's mean, even meaner than the Queen Bee herself, but he doesn't care what you think. And he never will.
Alex Goodman | 17
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Yes he's hot, but scary hot. He hates people, except for his friends and has never cared about the oppinions of other lowlives like us. He's smart, but hides it and talks as little as possible. You wanna see what 'Fuck you' means? Just get to know him.
Okay everyone well that is... everyone. LoL!
I hope you like my choice in cast and if you don't please feel free to imagine them however you want this is just how they look in my mind.
I hope this chapter gave you some perspective on all of their personalities as well!
Once again thank you for reading and please remember to vote and comment if you like my work.