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Chanlix was ignoring each other for a whole week now. They decided it was for the best, before they start acting like stupid kids. It was the best way to rest their hearts and chill, they thought. But they might be wrong.


I was just casually walking down the hallway with my books, on the way to my art class. Yeah I know people will think that I should be looking out for Felix if they knew our current situation, but we decided to just act normally and ignore. So just in case I see him in the hallway, I'd just act like he is some random student. The only thing is, I wonder if I can do it.

Felix gives me that deep feeling of I dont know what. That feeling where you suddenly feel your heart's on fire. That moment when you feel like you have woken from a deep slumber and were gonna start a new happy life. Whenever I see Felix, that one second comes to me when i feel like there is only both of us around, and no one else. Nothing else. Just us two.

???: hey there.

Someone called pulling me out of my, what I think, worthless thoughts.

CHAN: Oh hey.
???: Chan yeah?
CHAN: um, yeah. And you?
???: Seungmin. Nice to meet you. *forwards hand for chan to shake*
CHAN: *shakes hand* hey Seungmin. Nice to meet you.
SEUNGMIN: um, I just wanted to ask. What class do u have now?
CHAN: art. Why? Any problem?
SEUNGMIN: oh uh, no no. Um, do you wanna walk to class together? I have art too. Maybe we can become friends? Ur new here so I can maybe show you around if you become my friend.
CHAN: oh ofcourse. I would love that! Thanks alot.
SEUNGMIN: mhm. So let's get to class yeah?
CHAN: Why not?

We both start walking to class. Seungmin was fun to be around. I could already say from now. I learned that he was one of the top students here and a friend of Felix. I was shocked to see what a nice guy he was. I mean, if you look at Felix, from his manners to his clothing style. Everything was just, badass. We were talking casually until this happened:

SEUNGMIN: um, hyung?
CHAN: yeah?
SEUNGMIN: um, I...well...can I tell you something...about...
CHAN: About?
SEUNGMIN: F-Felix...

Why did his name hit me so hard.
I suddenly start drawing the freckled boy in my head.
Oh how his beautiful eyes were sending blessed light rays (A/N: If there is something like that😅)
His little nose bought me my good memories back.
And his lips-

CHAN: huh? What?
SEUNGMIN: u were spacing out.
CHAN: oh sorry. My mistake.
SEUNGMIN: no prob. Anyways uh...I asked if I know
CHAN: oh uh. Yeah yeah. Go on.
SEUNGMIN: are you sure. I mean you two don't seem to be in good terms-
CHAN: We're fine. We're fine.
SEUNGMIN: I-well ok. If you insist...
CHAN: go on.

Seungmin took a deep breath before telling me. It made me become more curious and wonder what was about Felix that Seungmin was so nervous to tell me about.

SEUNGMIN: hyung..
CHAN: yeah?
SEUNGMIN: u see, uh...on your first day here, well...

Oh. First day. Alot happened on the first day. From whispers to weird looks.

SEUNGMIN: well, you and Felix kinda, know * shrugs and whispers* kissed..
CHAN: Oh...yeah...we..kissed...

We kissed.

Yeah we did.




I wondered why. Why? I mean...just...why? Out of all the things, we kissed. No it was not a peck. It was a kiss. A literal kiss.

But there's this thing. And that thing is something I would never like to admit...maybe. The fact that I liked it. I must have gone mad. I would even agree to be called a psychopath but I just don't wanna admit it. Maybe i was mad. Maybe I was a psychopath.

But why? Come on Chan! You can't do that. He's your fucking brother. Ughhh.

Ok let's be honest. Let's be real.

I loved it.

Fuck it Chan! What am I even doing talking to myself, i thought. It's all worthless. There are feelings that can go away in one shot. But then there are some, that you can ignore, try to forget. But they don't go away. Not so quickly.

I had to do something though. This can't-

SEUNGMIN: sorry Chan hyung. You were just-
CHAN: I'm sorry. I was just *sigh*
SEUNGMIN: Its ok. I understand.
CHAN: thx.
SEUNGMIN: no problem. I just wanted to let you know that, the guy who pushed you into the kiss was actually...
CHAN: Oh who was it?
SEUNGMIN: *points at himself*
CHAN: I-It was you?...
SEUNGMIN: I'm really really sorry hyung. I swear to God  I didnt mean. I was in a hurry so pushed you by mistake. I'm sorry hyung. Please forgive me. I'll make up to you I swear-
CHAN: Seungmin, seungmin. Listen. It's fine. I really dont mind. It was a mistake afterall.
CHAN: *chuckles* ok ok. We're here btw.
SEUNGMIN: oh right.

We enter our art class, where we thankfully see the teacher unarrived yet. I quickly take a seat beside Seungmin in the middle row until I realise...
Yo wassup.
I think I have finally got used to updating early.
It's kinda hard to work on two stories at once but here is the new chap.
This is an early update for all my readers who encouraged me and read my story and voted. Thank you guys so muchhhh. I love youuu (except for Felixue_914)

Anyways enjoy. I know you see that cliffhanger right there and some of you might be mad about that, but chill~
I have planned chaps next.

Right now I should go cuz
1. My back hurts bad from looking down and writing
2. It's literally 12 am.

That's how hard ur writer works😭
No jk. I'm a lazy ass.

Okie byeee. Have fun broccolis. I love youuu. Good night/morning/afternoon/evening.

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