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A/N: IMPORTANT QUESTION: do you guys want me to do a Q and A? I'll list out the characters and you can ask them whatever you want. I don't mind silly questions 😂😂. Tell me your thoughts. I saw another author do this and I thought why not?

Also thank you all so much for all the compliments. It really gets me excited and keeps me motivated. If you guys weren't here this story wouldn't have gone this far😭 I love y'all so much💖💖💖💜💜💜💜 I don't deserve any of this.


JISUNG: wait what???

SEUNGMIN: yeah its true.

JISUNG: first of all Hyunjin, you never told me. You hid it for so long?


JISUNG: second of all, I thought you liked Yeji? Like everytime you're around her, you just go all...I don't know crazy?

Hyunjin sighed and looked away. He finally told everyone what was happening. Everything that was going on in his heart. Everything about the confession between Changbin and Felix. Seungmin somehow already knew.

HYUNJIN: I never liked Yeji. I always tried liking Yeji.

???: why though??

Everyone turned around to look at the person who spoke up, in shock. It was so sudden that everyone thought it was Changbin, even though the voice was different.


JISUNG: jeonginnie. You scared us. Kinda.

I.N: hehe sorry hyungie. So why is that you tried liking Yeji?

Hyunjin looked down with teary eyes. He bit his lip harshly, almost making it bleed.

HYUNJIN: to take my attention off Changbin.

JISUNG: oh...

HYUNJIN: I always knew I had no chance with him. So I thought why not try give some attention and fall for the most popular girl in school. But no luck.

Hyunjin laughed sarcastically. So much for loving someone. So many tears wasted. So many nights felt dark and gloomy. So many beautiful moments and places didn't look beautiful anymore.

JISUNG: hyunjin...

Jisung placed his hand on top of Hyunjin's and rubbed it calmly. Hyunjin looked up at him and smiled. Atleast he had his friends by his side, even though it wasn't the same as his lover.

JISUNG: trust me. He'll like you back once he's over Felix. And I know that. Just wait and watch.

HYUNJIN: you think so?

I.N: I have the same feeling for some reason.

JISUNG: thank me for informing you later.

Who knows. Maybe they are right. Maybe not. Patience is the key.

HYUNJIN: oh also...I'm getting married soon.

Jisung sprayed his drink right on Hyunjin's face. Hyunjin gave him a disgusted look, not noticing that I.N had fell off his chair, resulting his drink to spill on the table. Seungmin's sandwich went flying off his hand and landed on Hyunjin's hair.

HYUNJIN: what did I ever do to y'all.

He said disgustingly looking at I.N's drink dripping on his trousers. The ham slid down his hair and fell on his lap. He made a puking face. But honestly, the sight was extremely revolting.

SEUNGMIN: oh, sorry.

Hyunjin sent a glare to the three.

I.N: I'm really sorry hyung!! I was just shocked. I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad!😖

Hyunjin's eyes softened when he saw I.N begging to him.

HYUNJIN: hey hey. It's ok. I'm not mad don't worry. *chuckles* jeonginnie you're so adorable~

JISUNG: hey what about us?!

HYUNJIN: shut up ugly.

JISUNG: ouch-

HYUNJIN: what a drama queen.

JISUNG: says the drama llama himself.

SEUNGMIN: chan hyung? Why are you so quiet today?

Everyone looked at the quiet boy sitting a little away from everyone. His food was barely touched.

CHAN: huh? Oh uh...nothing. just, having a little peace by myself.

HYUNJIN: oh wait where's Felix?

Chan flinched at the sudden mention of the boy.

JISUNG: he's at home. A little sick.

SEUNGMIN: oh. Is he ok. Chan should know.

CHAN: yeah he's fine.

He's not.


JISUNG: hyung wait!

Chan turned around and found a running Jisung heading his way.

CHAN: what's up?

JISUNG: nothing much. Just wanted to inform you about something.

CHAN: oh what's that?

JISUNG: so...I know that you and Felix are going through a tough time-

CHAN: how do you-

JISUNG: wait. Listen to me first. Look I'm Felix's best friend and I know everything thats happening to him just by looking at him. He really loves you but he can't date you because there are things he has to go according to. If he doesn't then you're gonna be the one to get hurt. His love for you is too strong and if you get hurt, he will too. Only difference is you will be hurt physically and he will be mentally. He's really confused and hurt. Please understand and help him the best you can. I hope you understand.

CHAN: mhm.

JISUNG: you know he has been through alot his whole life. His childhood was completely ruined and I guarantee you the day you know what happened, you'll be disgusted. Please co-operate and give him some time. And I know you're hurt too but you know how to stay strong and he doesn't. Not anymore. Please help him.

CHAN: ofcourse. I understand. I'll try my best.

JISUNG: Thanks. Thanks alot. It really means alot to me. You're the only one that can help him right now.

Jisung turned around to walk away but looked at Chan one last time.

JISUNG: and remember that if its true love, then your future is ready.

With that he walked away.

I guess I was right. Maybe it really just is the starting.


I hate online classes 😑
Someone make me laugh or something.


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