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FELIX: the first 3 years of my life were amazing. The adoption I was in gave me lots of food, water and other needs. I made lots of friends and the caretakers were way nicer than expected but...

Felix's little smile faded away.

FELIX: the adoption had to close down for some reason and the kids were moved into different adoption centres. Unfortunately the adoption I got moved into was...not that great.

Once again Felix's tears were coming out.

FELIX: I was abused there because I was the only Asian-autralian. They wouldn't give me enough food and make me clean the adoption along with the cleaners.

Felix snuggled closer to Chan

FELIX: i-in the e-evening some girls used to c-come to p-play with the k-kids. A-along with their b-boyfriends.

Felix suddenly sprung up and sat down, clutching his hair tightly. He shook his head as the horrible memories came back.

"Ugh baby you're so good"
"You're so pathetic"
"Ready to make daddy feel good?"

CHAN: Felix!

Chan quickly sat up too and pulled Felix closer. He rubbed his back steadily, trying to calm him down.

CHAN: felix breath. Calm down Lix. You don't have to continue. Breath lixxie

FELIX: c-channie... they r-ra-ped m-me. (A/N: the boyfriends not the girls)

Felix said as he let out harsh cries, almost chocking himself.

CHAN: shh lix it's ok. I'm here Lix. Channie is here. Channie is always here.

FELIX: for 3 years chan 3 years. 3 years I was abused, raped, left out. I'm so worthless Chan I'm worthless.

CHAN: Lix look at me

Chan pulled Felix's chin up to look at him.

CHAN: you're not worthless. Not to me. You're great the way you are. If you really are worthless then I wouldn't have fallen for you. Don't say that about yourself k?

Felix nodded as he placed his head. He sniffled a little before continuing.

FELIX: my mom came back when she was 19 and took me to Korea. She found out about all that was happening to me and gave severe punishments to the owner and workers of the adoption and ofcourse the boys who raped me.

Felix smiled a little at the thought of it

FELIX: my memories with her are one of the best I have. She wanted to start drinking and clubbing but more than that she wanted to take care of me and give me a perfect life. So she thought of waiting till she was overage.

Felix's smile widened as he let out a soft giggle.

FELIX: she sent me to one of the best schools. Made me lots of great food and gave me whatever I needed and wanted. She would take me to work with her or stay home with me because she never trusted the maids. The maids honestly were very nice people but she loved me too much. Every night she sang me a lullaby to sleep.

Felix closed his eyes as his mom's sweet voice filled his head. He chuckled a little when he remembered how she used to spoil him. She would scold him but never too hard. Everytime he was hurt she would take extra extra care of him. His birthday parties were one of the best.

Felix relaxed a little as the great memories came back to him. But that didn't last long.

FELIX: but then...


But then? Tell me ur ideas about what you think in the comments. 👇



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