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A/N: another badly written part coming up✌


CHAN: Felix?! Felix where are you?!!! Goddamn it Felix where did you go??

Chan looked around the empty streets, desperately searching for the little boy. After Yeji had shot herself, Felix ran away. Randomly disappeared.

He was not at home. He was not at any of his friend's house. Not even at anywhere near the school gates or parks.

He clutched his hair tightly, unable to think of any other place Felix would go. He fell on his knees as he punched the stone hard pavement with his fist, earning a dissatisfying crunch.

CHAN: felix...where are you...

His head suddenly shot up as realisation hit him. Chan quickly got up and ran faster than ever. The cold wind passed him as he tried speeding up, almost freezing him. But right now, all he wanted to do was find Felix.

He felt like he might be there. The place that was in his mind. But a small part of him didn't want him to be there. Any other place except that was fine.

CHAN: please be ok


Chan panted heavily once he reached the place. He stood up straight and took a deep breath in before pushing open the doors. As soon as he stepped inside, the strong smell of alcohol filled his nose. His sight was now facing people dancing, making out or just losing their minds in drunkenness.

He pushed through people, looking for Felix everywhere. Until he finally spotted the tiny figure, a drink in one hand and his phone on the other, smiling at a picture. Once he went closer, he realised who's picture it was.


FELIX: thank you.

Chan was startled when Felix suddenly spoke up.

FELIX: atleast you aren't as bad as I thought.

It took Chan a good few seconds to realise Felix was talking to Yeji's picture. His heart ached seeing Felix like this. He knew for one thing that Felix loved Yeji dearly (as a cousin ofc) and was hurt most by her sudden death. He smiled at Felix sadly.

It's ok Lix. I'm still here.

CHAN: Felix?


Felix turned around, startled to the slightest. He looked at Chan confused, not recognizing him. He finally made his mouth an 'o' shape after a few minutes, realizing who it was.

FELIX: channie..?

Felix cutely tilted his head a little, looking at Chan with questioning and sleepy eyes.

FELIX: did you come to join me and Yeji?

CHAN: Felix I... we need to go home.

Felix frowned slightly at Chan. He scoffed and looked away.


CHAN: felix, you need to go home and rest.

FELIX: nope

Chan grabbed Felix's arm impatiently, unable to see him in this wasted state anymore.

CHAN: felix let's go.

Felix pulled his hand away from Chan. He stuck his tongue out at Chan like a kid and turned around again, looking at Yeji's picture and smiling.

🔥 ℍ𝕠𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 - 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝙺𝚒𝚍𝚜 - Ⓒ︎Ⓗ︎Ⓐ︎Ⓝ︎Ⓛ︎Ⓘ︎Ⓧ︎ 🔥Where stories live. Discover now