Chapter 4: The Flame that she called a birthmark

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"The lost City of Valeria has been lost for decades- it was set to have been inhabited by people who worshiped the fire gods- they believed that their ancestors walked the earth with dragons" Mr. James spoke- Danielle's eyes perked, something about that name seemed familiar must have been something she read.

"Where is Valeria" Tori spoke, "That is a very good question Victoria- some believe it's in the clouds- others believe it sunk to the bottom of the Ocean- none the less it's been lost for decades" Mr. James spoke. "Are there people from Valeria still around" Another person asked in the class. "Not that we know of- history suggests they suffered a tragic end and all vanished from existence" Mr. James spoke.

"I want at least a 10 page essay on what you think happened to Valeria and why you think it's people vanished" Mr. James spoke dismissing the class. "Danielle, Princess Victoria- sit with us" Lucy spoke waving to us, "You can just call me Tori Lucy" Tori spoke putting her tray of food down. "Yeah and I'm Danny" Danielle smiled, "Okay" Noah spoke, "Not you were full names to you" Tori spoke, Noah's face dropped in disappointment causing them to laugh. "You were right that is fun" Danielle spoke to Lucy. "He's such a stuck up person because he's a beta so it's so easy to pick on him" Lucy laughed.

"Alpha" Noah spoke as Hayden sat with them- "Why do you have to call him Alpha- you have power to being his second in command" Tori spoke, "It's just formalities" Noah spoke, "Such odd customs" Tori spoke, "I still need to talk to you" Hayden spoke, Danielle turned to find who he was talking to- "me" she enquired. "Yes you" he spoke, "Oh no- you got your date" Danielle spoke, "It's not about that- and it was ruined because you invited other people" he spoke glaring at Lucy. "Oh relax it was fun" Danielle spoke happy it was interrupted.

"Hayden baby I came by your room last night" Barbie's voice chimed, she put her tray down and batted her eyelashes. "I wasn't there" he replied, "Should I come by tonight it's been a while- I was thinking we could start things back up" Barbie spoke, "I was young and it was freshmen year- I have a mate" Hayden spoke his eyes becoming darker.

"Oh please baby the only person suited to be your mate is me" Barbie smiled. "And yet he's not- keep walking bimbo" Lucy spoke, "Don't you already of the beta- or you want the Alpha to" Barbie snickered, "Talk to my mate like that again and your going to regret it" Noah spoke his voice dark. "Whatever- you calm me if you need me" She purred winking at Hayden before setting off.

"I've never met someone who couldn't take a hint" Tori spoke, "I was thinking the exact same thing" Danny spoke. "Anyways I'll meet you later- I'm going to get started on that essay" Danielle spoke to Tori, "I have Drama" Tori nodded, "Oh me to" Lucy spoke. "The library is on the left wing right" Danielle spoke. "I'll show you" Hayden jerked up, "O-Kay" Danielle spoke following him. "Barbie and I aren't in a relationship or anything" Hayden spoke, Danielle looked at her map of the school and to the many hallways they passed. "Honestly I don't really care- you two seem to be a good match" Danielle spoke.

"What" Hayden spoke, "How could you say that" Hayden growled. "I'm sorry is she not your type- usually I've heard the popular guy and popular girl hook up" Danielle spoke, having no actual experience with these things first hand she just assumed what she read in books or watched on the television were true. "Well she's not anything to me- in freshmen year she was just a fling- I was young and well horny" Hayden spoke. "And what you'd old and horny now" Danielle chuckled stopping at large doors she figured this had to be the library.

"Anyways I wanted to tell you something" Hayden spoke, "Can we talk later- I really want to get my homework done" Danielle spoke waving him off she quickly opened the door to the library and closed it. Sighing she felt relieved to have dodged that bullet.

Hayden growled in frustration, she was clearly avoiding him. "What's wrong with you" Noah spoke, "My mate is playing hard to get" Hayden replied. "Do you think she knows" Noah asked, "I don't know- she's not stupid" Hayden spoke. Part of him wanted to believe deep down Danielle knew what she meant to him.

"I think your overthinking this whole thing- I think you just need to grab her and tell her- your my mate" Noah spoke, "It's not as easy- Lucy and you both looked at each other and knew in that moment you were destined to be together- I look at her and I know she's my whole world but she looks at me and all she see's is this guy who matches with woman like  Barbie" Hayden spoke in disappointment. "That's what you need to tell her" Noah spoke, "I need to get her alone first" Hayden muttered.

Danielle skimmed through the books, her eyes finally landing on the one she was looking for. Valeria a guide to the lost city. Taking the book she sat on the floor, opening it up there wasn't very much written- it was basically everything Mr. James had spoken about.

"They worshipped the fire gods- the King and Queen were said to have suffered a tragic love story" Danielle read out loud. "So what exactly happened" She huffed, flipping the pages her eyes caught something that made her blood run cold, trembling her fingers glided over the picture of a flame tattoo with the letter D in it. Pulling down her shirt her hands ran over the same tattoo that was just below her collar bone. "What the hell" she spoke grabbing the book she quickly exited the library, running down the corridors she found Tori.

"Oh hey I was just going to come find you" Tori spoke, "We need to talk" Danielle spoke grabbing her sister she dragged her back to their room. "Their identical" Tori gasped looking at the tattoo on her chest and the one at the book. "You think you might have been from Valeria" Tori spoke, "I don't know- I was found abandoned the woods- mom and dad thought this was just a birth mark" Danielle spoke.

"This is so crazy" Tori spoke, "It's the closest I've come to anything related to me" Danielle spoke. "Well what do we do it's a lost city we don't even know where to start" Tori spoke. "I know- but I have to try" Danielle spoke.

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