Chapter 5: Your my Mate

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"Nothing absolutely nothing" Danielle spoke tossing another book to the floor. "Everything about Valeria is limited to lost and city" Tori spoke resting her head back on her chair. "We've been at this for hours- thanks for helping" Danielle. "Of course- what are sister for" Tori spoke. A sudden knock at the door had both of them looking at each other, Tori went to answer it.

"Danny it's for you" Tori spoke, Danielle got up. "Hayden" Danielle spoke. "Can we talk" Hayden spoke. "Um- you know this isn't really a good time- Tori needs me to um- um polish her shoes" Danielle spoke, "You don't polish- ouch" she spoke as Danielle kicked her ankle. "Oh those shoes- thats right" Tori spoke winking at Danielle. Oh my god your hopeless Danny couldn't help but think, "Why are you avoiding me" Hayden spoke. "I'm not avoiding you- fine what do you want" Danielle spoke closing the door she stood in the hallway. "Can we go somewhere else" Hayden spoke, "No I'm doing homework" Danielle spoke, "Okay- Anyways your my ma-" Hayden was interrupted once again.

"Mr. Mariano it's past curfew" A voice snapped, It was Dean Ramsey, "I know Dean this will only take a minute" Hayden spoke, "I'm sure it can wait till tomorrow" he spoke his eyebrows raised, "I agree Dean" Danielle smirked opening the door she gave Hayden a nod before closing it. "What was that about" Tori spoke, "I don't know but I get this weird feeling when Hayden is around" Danielle spoke. "You like him" Tori gasped, "I don't think that's quiet it" Danielle spoke.

"Either way my mission is to avoid him" Danielle spoke. "Hey Danielle I was wondering if you could show me some defenders moves later" Chase spoke, "I teach a woman's defence class on Wednesday and I could use some new session ideas" Chase added. "Of course- I have classes till 5 but I'll meet you at the gym" Danielle spoke, Chase nodded.

"Hey I was just telling Lucy about our summer in Tokyo" Tori spoke, "Oh that was a fun summer" Danielle chuckled, "We got so wasted every night" Tori spoke. "Aw man we never do anything that exciting" Lucy spoke looking at Noah, "Your so boring" she spoke. Noah rolled his eyes, they were sitting on the bleachers watching the gym class do laps. "Do you have some time for me now" Hayden's voice startled Danny, "Oh- um yeah" she sighed, "Danny" Chase yelled walking over to them, Danielle looked at her phone. "You ready" Chase spoke, "Yeah- we'll talk later" Danielle spoke looking back to Hayden she grabbed her gym bag. "Where are you going" Hayden spoke grabbing her arm, Danielle was shocked. "Just an appointment with Chase" She spoke pulling her arm away she walked off following Chase.

"You okay" Chase spoke, "Yeah- I just got a lot on my mind" Danielle spoke. "Let's get started" she spoke trying to reconnect with her inner warrior. "Let's start easy" Danielle spoke showing him how to analyze any physical injuries or weaknesses. "A good one for girls is kicking the attacker in the balls- but what if your attacker isn't a man- kicking them in the shin or ankle does the job to" Danielle spoke.

"I like that- that's good" Chase spoke, "This ones- good one to" Danielle spoke positioning herself in front of Chase she elbowed him in the gut and pulled his hand over her shoulder, he collided with the floor, "I used my back to pull you over you despite the fact that you'd bigger" Danielle spoke. Danielle tripped on Chase falling on top of him she quickly apologized. A growl filled the gym, Hayden stood inches away, his eyes were pitch black as he took in the scene in front of him.

"Alpha- it's not what you think- she tripped" Chase spoke standing up. "Get out" Hayden commanded, with a small bow Chase left. "Hayden what's the matter with you it was an accident" Danielle spoke attempting to follow Chase. Suddenly she was grabbed and pinned against the wall, "What are you doing- let me go" Danielle spoke trying to get out of his death grip. "We're going to talk" Hayden spoke, "Why are you acting all crazy" Danielle yelled in frustration. "I walked in to see you in the hands of another man do you know how I feel" Hayden spoke, "It was an accident and who cares it's not like were married" Danielle spoke, was he seriously getting mad at her for something that didn't concern him.

"How long has your affair been going on" Hayden growled, "What affair" Danielle spoke pushing back, he kept his grip firm. "Do you love him" Hayden growled, "What are you crazy" Danielle yelled, "Your mine Danielle" Hayden growled. "I beg your pardon- I am not yours" Danielle glared.

"Stop pretending- I know your not stupid Danielle- you know what you mean to me" Hayden spoke, Danielle's eyes grew wide. Kicking him in the shin she watched as he hunched over grabbing his knee, taking this as her chance she ran. Her heart pumped in her chest, "Danielle" Hayden growled. "Danny what's going on" Tori spoke as Danielle stopped she was in the hallway surrounded by students, surely he wouldn't do anything stupid. "Danielle" Hayden spoke standing inches away from her, "Whats going on here" Dean Ramsey spoke, "Nothing- Hayden calm down" Lucy spoke but he didn't calm down he was restless, she had avoided him for weeks and he just wanted her to know. Grabbing her hands he held her close, "Let go" Danielle fought looking around at the crowd that was watching.

"Mr. Mariano release her" Dean Ramsey spoke, "No she's mine" Hayden spoke, "I'm not- Noah do something" Danielle pleaded, "I'm sorry Luna but I can't go against orders" Noah spoke. "Tori" Danielle spoke, she looked at Danielle shocked. "Hayden don't do this- please- I'll go talk with you in private" Danielle pleaded one last time.

"I gave you a chance- Your my mate Danielle you can't run from me anymore" Hayden growled, everyone froze, realizing the future king at just declared his mate wasn't just ordinary news. Danielle could feel her entire world changing in that one moment.

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