Chapter 14: Halo

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"What exactly is Halo" Tori spoke, "Another dimension- it use to be Pyro's domain- his armies- his slaves" Hayden spoke looking over the deserted wasteland filled with bones. "Who is Pyro" Noah spoke, "Supposedly a great demon that rose from hell and wanted to rule like Lucifer- he created Halo- everything was connected to him so when he died naturally Halo died with him" Hayden spoke. "How do you know so much" Danielle spoke, "My grandfather had diaries he wrote of Pyro- my dad let me read them before I came here" Hayden spoke.

Kicking some bones aside the began to walk across the waste land to a giant tomb in the centre. "Why did Pyro want my people dead" Danielle spoke, "I don't know Danny- my grandfather never wrote about it" Hayden spoke.

Pyro's tomb was like a castle on its own, "This is it" Hayden spoke, "Wait- were just going to open up this guys tomb" Noah spoke. "We have to- the lake of dreams is in his eye" Hayden spoke taking a crow bar out of his backpack he began to pry open the tomb- there was a loud bang and the cover fell to the floor. Pyro's remains were still in good condition despite him being dead for centuries. "This is so freaky" Lucy spoke inching closer to Noah, lifting his eye lid Hayden removed his eyeball. "Hayden that's gross" Tori spoke, "It's a pearl" He spoke, placing the pearl into Danielle's hand she looked at him confused.

It began to beam as Danielle was transported into another world. What felt like she was falling for a really long time Danielle finally landed on a grass area. Groaning she stood up a little dizzy from the falling, the sky was almost pink and a large moon shone bright in the distance. Danielle was alone, I guess it only allowed her through the pearl.

"Where did she go" Tori spoke, "Damn it- it took only her" Hayden growled checking Pyro's other eye it was just an eyeball. Kicking the tomb he cursed, "Hayden it's okay Danielle is strong" Noah spoke. "I know that" He growled- "It's just" Hayden spoke sighing. "It's alright Hayden I worry about her to" Tori spoke resting her hand on his shoulder.

Danielle walked around the enchanted forest, everything seemed surreal- I guess it made sense this was called the lake of dreams. "I wonder if people live here" Danielle mumbled, coming to a stop she looked into the lake, her reflection was a dragon. Inching closer she reached out to touch the water, "Danielle" Tori's voice came, Danielle turned to find Tori, "Tori- you made it through" Danielle spoke, turning around Tori was right behind her and suddenly she was shoved into the lake. Danny struggled swimming to the surface she hit some kind of barrier. Hitting it harder she couldn't surface for air, panic took over as she hit the invisible barrier, she could see someone standing at the edge of the lake- someone with Tori's face.

Danielle began to feel faint, she was running out of air. Her eyes began to blur and she could feel herself slowly falling into the depths. "Danielle the light reach for it" The words seemed to echo through the water, Danielle could see a shining light at the bottom of the lake, swimming towards it she held it up, it was a scale, Danielle's heart skipped a beat that shook through the waters. Closing her eyes she could feel it- a power she never felt before. Her hands turned to scales and her body transformed into a dragon. Shooting out of the waters Danielle was flying, landing on the ground she felt the power surge through her veins. "You found me" A voice spoke in her head, suddenly she had return to human form and a large dragon stood before her. "Who are you" Danielle spoke, "I'm your spirit" The dragon spoke, "My name is Hydra- I'm your other half" The dragon spoke.

"Amazing" Danielle spoke, the sound of clapping Danielle suddenly remembered she wasn't alone. "Who are you" Danielle spoke facing a boy, "My name is Phoenix- I'm Pyro's son- I've waited a long time for this moment Princess" Phoenix spoke. "I don't- understand" Danielle spoke, "You know nothing about your history and your people- it's quiet alright I'll teach you" Phoenix spoke.

"My father Pyro fell in love with your mother- she chose your father- my father couldn't get over it and successfully wiped your kind out of existence- it was hard took everything out of him and when he learned that you had survived- well that wasn't going to work- so he trapped me in here until the day you would come for your dragon" Phoenix spoke, "Are you here to kill me" Danielle spoke, "That was the plan- but you've peeked my interest- your very beautiful" Phoenix smirked, "Oh good another love interest" Danielle mumbled.

"Oh please that wolf can't compare to me" Phoenix scoffed, "Marry me Danielle- I'll bring your people back" Phoenix spoke. "As tempting as that sounds I'm going to pass" Danielle spoke. "I'd rethink that offer- wouldn't want anything to happen to your new family" Phoenix spoke.

"Threaten my family again and I'll kill you" Danielle gritted. "Playing hard to get- I like that" Phoenix spoke, "How do I get out of here" Danielle spoke turning back to face Hydra. "I'll take you back to Pyro's grave" Hydra spoke disappearing into Danielle she could feel Hydra inside her. "Such a weird sensation" Danielle spoke. "Till we meet again darling" Phoenix spoke, kissing her hand she ripped it away from him. "I'll give you some time to think about my offer- if you decide against marrying me I'll make sure you never find happiness" Phoenix spoke, Danielle was pulled into yet another abyss as Hydra took full power. His words echoed in her head- was history repeating itself- "You knew this wasn't going to be easy" Hydra spoke.

"I didn't think it would involve the one thing I'm not good at- relationships" Danielle spoke. Dropping from the portal Danielle landed on Hayden, "Ouch" she muttered, "Danielle" Hayden spoke hugging her tightly. "Thank god your okay" He mumbled.

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