Chapter 15: Where it all began

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"Pyro's son asked you to marry him" Hayden growled, "Mhmm" Danny spoke. "That's crazy" Tori spoke. "He said he was going to kill my new family" Danielle spoke. "What did you say" Hayden spoke his grip tightening around her arm. "Isn't it obvious I said Yes- were married right now" Danielle replied sarcastically. "That's not funny Danielle" Hayden growled. "Your overreacting- of course I said screw you" Danielle huffed.

"So what now" Tori spoke, "Now that I have my powers I just have to learn how to use them" Danielle spoke, "This was fun" Lucy spoke, "It was" Danielle smiled despite the fact that she had found a new threat to fight she felt accomplished that she was one step closer to her birth parents.

"I was worried when you got sucked into that wormhole" Hayden spoke, Danielle turned from his balcony doors where she was looking beyond to her kingdom, such a strange thing to say she thought. Hayden had a towel wrapped around his waist, giving her a dashing smile she knew where he wanted to take this. "I'm not fragile" Danielle replied glaring at him, "I don't think that- I just can't live without you" He spoke reminding her once again that their bond was something more powerful than she ever knew.

"what are your powers like" Hayden spoke, in all the commotion about Phoenix he forgot that she had gained powers. "Well- it's different" Danielle spoke looking at her hands she wondered what she was capable of. "I'm here with you" Hydra's voice echoed in her head, "Like" Hayden pressed in confusion, "Like I turned into a dragon" Danielle spoke awkwardly, "You what" Hayden replied shocked, did he hear her right, "His name is Hydra- he's like a guidance- my dragon but I can turn into him" Danielle spoke, she sounded crazy but she was talking to a person who turns into a wolf. "Like my wolf" Hayden spoke, "Exactly" Danielle replied.

Walking up to her he held her waist backing her into the wall, "You look delicious right now" he spoke his voice husky, licking his lips. Danielle groaned, god he was so sexy. "So tomorrow we're officially back in school" Danielle spoke, "Tomorrow we can talk about school- today I'm going to taste you" Hayden spoke tilting her chin up he kissed her. Picking her up he placed her gently on her his bed. Kissing her passionately they fought for dominance, why was Hayden so strong she couldn't help but think. "If your rough with me I'm going to be rough with you" Hayden growled in-between kisses. "I like it rough" Danielle smirked, Hayden smiled. "Good" he spoke ripping her shirt.

"What's wrong" Hayden smirked, Danielle glared at him, her legs were practically shaking. "Don't challenge me Danny- especially since your new at sex" Hayden smirked. Danielle threw her pillow at him.

"Why are you late" Tori spoke looking up to find Danielle, "Hayden thinks I should live in his dorm- I told him to shove it" Danielle replied. "It's alright Danny- you can live with him" Tori chimed, "I don't want to- I still have a job to do" Danielle spoke, "Your not my body guard- in fact you should be practicing to rule your own kingdom" Tori spoke.

"I knew this was going to weird- look I don't want anything changing in my life" Danielle pointed, "Fine but once we crack the code your going to have to come clean about who you are" Tori replied. "But for now I need to figure out how to work my powers" Danielle spoke. "We'll start in the place where this all started" Hydra spoke cryptically.

The next few days Danielle juggled classes and trying to learn more about Valarian history. "Where are you going" Hayden spoke stopping Danielle, she was dressed in work our gear and had a duffel bag swung over her shoulder. "For a run" Danielle lied, "Lie to me again and I'll chain you to my bed" Hayden growled backing her into the wall. "Hydra is going to teach me how to use my powers" Danielle spoke, "Can I come" Hayden spoke, "I was hoping to do this solo" Danielle muttered. "There's a crazy guy out there who wants to marry you" Hayden spoke, "You do realize your talking about yourself to" Danielle smirked, "I'm not crazy- I'm your soul mate and we're going to get married" Hayden glared.

"Let's go" Danielle mumbled, Hayden smiled following. "Okay Hydra" Danielle spoke standing in an open field, "Call me Danielle" Hydra spoke, "Hydra" Danielle spoke almost on instinct, a flame emerged from Danielle, growing bigger it morphed into her dragon. "Get on" Hydra spoke, "Lets go" Danielle spoke looking up Hayden who looked shocked he was in the presence of a dragon. "Where are we going" Danielle spoke, "To where it all began" Hydra spoke flying into the sky a portal opened up transporting them to another place.

"What is this place" Danielle spoke, it was an island. "This is Flame- many dragons lived here- your father was one of the people that grew up on this island among the dragons" Hydra spoke. "Really" Danielle spoke, "What was he like" Danielle wanted to know more, "A kind man" Hydra spoke, "Did you know him" Danielle kept asking, "No but my ancestors did" Hydra spoke, "Your grandfather created a bond between the dragons and humans- one that became so powerful it allowed us to merge with your soul" Hydra spoke.

"Your grandfather thought it would be best for our people to remain here- where it was safe but your father was so head strong he wanted to explore the world" Hydra spoke, "You must have inherited that from your father" Hayden spoke, "But you got your beauty from your mother" Hydra spoke, "My mother" Danielle whispered, "What was she like" Danielle spoke. "She was a vampire princess at the time your father met her- he fell so in love with her she changed his whole world- when they got married they formed a new kingdom- Valaria" Hydra spoke. "But your mother was beautiful- she had many suitors- Pyro was one of them- so in love with her he was willing to make her his at all cost" Hydra spoke.

"Pyro convinced the wolf king at the time by using his powers to manipulate him- fearing Valeria was going to attack the wolf king went to war- it was just a diversion so that Pyro could kidnap your mother and kill Valeria once and for all" Hydra spoke. "Your sister Selina used all of her powers to counter the dark magic and instead of killing our people she turned them all to stone" Hydra spoke, Danielle's eyes grew wide. 

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