Chapter 2: The Bodyguard

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"This is it- room 203- History" Danny spoke opening the door, "Ah nice of you two to join us" The teacher spoke. "I apologize Mr. " Danielle spoke not remembering his name. "Mr. James" he replied annoyed. "Right- it was a royal emergency" Danielle spoke nudging Tori. "Right- I fell" Tori blurted our, Danielle facepalmed, really Tori- you fell.

"Don't let it happen again" Mr. James spoke dismissing them, they quickly headed to the bank of the classroom. The desks cascaded downwards and all the students sat pretty much together. "Don't forget your essays about a famous painter is due next week" Mr. James spoke, "And You can't use Da Vinci" he added.

"I'm starving" Tori spoke as the neared the cafeteria, looking inside they glanced at one another. "This seems- organized" Tori spoke looking for better words. Everyone sat in groups that pretty much shared a common interest, "It's like high school musical" Danielle laughed. "Let's sit in the back" Tori spoke looking at some empty seats.

"Hi- my name is Barbie- you could come sit with us if you want, we're the popular girls" Barbie spoke, four girls stood behind her looking like drones waiting for direction. "Of course your body guard can't join" she added. "She's my sis-" Tori began before being cut off by Danielle, "It's okay I'm good" Danielle spoke giving Tori a glance. "Thank you for your offer but I'm okay as well" Tori spoke formally, unlike Danielle she had an obligation to be kind to everyone.

"I'm going to hit the gym" Danielle spoke. "I'm trying out for drama" Tori spoke dramatically. "Call me if you need me" Danielle spoke. "Relax Danny I can fight to" She spoke, "I don't care my mission is your bodyguard" Danny spoke walking off, this was her first time proving to her father she could protect Victoria and be head of the royal army. There was a gym class going on heading up to the weight room Danny smile at the punching bags hanging from the ceiling. "Hello old friend" she spoke hugging it, changing into her tights and sports bra she combed her hair up into a bun and strapped her hands.

"Your pretty good at that" A voice spoke, "I never seen a girl come into the weight room unless being forced to by the curriculum" He added. He was good looking, built with blonde hair, his dashing smile could win over any girl. "I'm Chase the personal trainer" he spoke extending his hand. "Danielle" Danny spoke shaking it, "Oh I know who you are- I've never fought a palace soldier before" he spoke with a wink. "You sure you want to" Danielle challenged. "I'm sure" He chuckled, following him down into another room it was set up with a wrestling ring in the middle. " Impressive" Danny spoke- honestly speaking she wasn't much of a wrestler.

"You sure you want to do this" she spoke. He nodded taking his position he held his hands up in a defensive pose. Danielle followed suit circling each other Danny analyzed his every move. He shifted most of his weight to his left leg- perhaps right leg injury. His right arm was more bulkier than the left- suggesting he was stronger on his right arm.

Making the first move he tried to tackle Danny, swiftly moving to the side he lost balance and tumbled to the ground. "Ou not a good first move" she spoke. Getting up he began to circle her again- this time throwing punches and kicks. In another swift move Danielle kicked his right leg causing him to instantly drop to the floor- she was right he did suffer an injury.

A few minutes later Chase was dripping with sweat, his eyes were blood shot from the amount of blows he had taken. Danielle finished him off by tackling him to the ground and putting him in a deadlock position. "I give up" he struggled, "Thanks for the workout- I think" Danielle spoke realizing she didn't even break a sweat. Her trainer Mateo was definitely more ruthless, she remembered all the bloody nights he left on her from not concentrating hard enough. Why would a princess want to live a life like that it was simple really. Danielle never felt like much of a princess and she wanted to have a hobby, the first time she went with her father to survey the royal army it intrigued her and she's been fighting with her father ever since. She knew he was just being protective of her or maybe even old fashioned because after all she was a woman but it took her forever to gain recognition from him as a fighter.

"That was good- maybe you could teach me some moves" Chase spoke wiping his face. Suddenly they realized they had gained an audience, everyone stood their shocked that small woman had taken down a decent sized man. "Alright that's enough" Chase spoke dismissing everyone he left for the showers. "Can I be next" his dark voice sent a shiver down her spine. "I'm not really feeling to kick another ass" Danielle spoke drinking her water. "Afraid I might be stronger" Hayden taunted, and those words were all it took for Danielle to agree.

Circling each other once again Danielle analyzed Hayden for any kind of weakness. "I don't have any weaknesses" Hayden spoke, Danielle's jaw twitched she almost wanted to smile. "Neither do I" she pointed out, launching for him she threw punches and kicks, he dodged everyone. "Now this is a challenge" she muttered, Hayden grabbed her hand pulling her flush against his chest he leaned in close. "Can you feel the tingles" He whispered in her ear, she almost moaned from the heat he gave her. Why did this man have such an effect on her.

Trying to flip him over her shoulder Hayden swung her around their faces inches apart, holding her hands firm against the floor she was trapped. "Okay your stronger- you are a king" Danielle huffed squirming under his stare. "Your not to bad yourself- for a princess" he spoke, "What- how- what" she stuttered, he chuckled at her confusion, "I know who you are second princess- you may fool people but I heard the two princesses were inseparable" Hayden spoke, "Plus your well kept for just a bodyguard" He added. "You can't tell anyone" Danielle blurted out, "Why is that" he spoke, "Because I just don't want the attention okay- I'll do anything" Danielle spoke instantly regretting her choice of words. "Careful with those words I just might want something your not ready to give" he smirked, "You know what I mean" Danielle glared, "I'll pick you up at 9" he spoke getting off of her, "Whats at 9" she questioned.

"Our date" he spoke before heading out the door.

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