Chapter 11: Selina

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"This place is officially creepy" Lucy spoke as they once again walked through the town. "What would make an entire civilization just disappear" Tori spoke, "Some crazy magic" Danielle replied. "Let's start with the castle" Danielle spoke flashing her flashlight to the castle walls they began walking around. "Let's split up- we can cover more ground" Tori spoke, Danielle nodded.

Walking up the stair case Tori found the first room she could see, it was a library. Looking through the archives there was so many books in a language she didn't recognize and she studied many languages. Taking a few of the books she stuffed them into her backpack, using her magic to make them smaller. Lucy found the painting once again taking pictures of it she could help but feel like Danielle deep down knew this was her home. Following the huge staircase to what looked like a nursery Lucy looked around, a picture covered in dust lay on a bed stand next to the crib, taking it she put it in her backpack, her eyes landed on jewelry box, opening the box there a tiny ballerina began to twirl as the soft music began to play. Examining the box it had something engraved into the back, wiping it she read. To our brightest star in the night sky our darling daughter Danielle we love you mom and dad. "I knew it" Lucy spoke placing it in her backpack.

Danielle stopped at a large door, opening it to reveal a master bedroom. "This must be the king and queens room" Danielle spoke looking around. A large picture of a man and woman hung from the wall, the same woman who looked just like Danielle. The man was the same familiar painting in Hayden's castle. "Who are you people" Danielle mumbled, shuffling through the drawers everything remained intact, there was nothing to show that these people just up and left. Danielle- Danny turned around looking around the room she heard that voice. "I can hear you" She spoke out loud.

Danielle- Danielle peeked into the hallway. Noticing a light at the end of the hallway she followed it, "Tori- Lucy is that you" Danielle spoke growing closer she noticed the light moving further. "Wait" Danielle spoke walking faster, every step she took it went further until she was in a large room, pedestals went up the ceilings and a large indoor pond was centred in the middle flowing out into a lake that stretched on into the forest. "Ok I'm here" Danielle spoke walking around, nearing the water she glanced at her reflection- only a few minutes later did it turn into another face.

Danielle- it called, Danny was shocked, was she hallucinating. "Who are you" Danielle spoke, "My name is Selina" she spoke. "How do you know my name" Danielle spoke, "I'm your sister" She spoke, Danielle's eyes widened to saucers. "What" Danielle spoke. "It's a long story Danielle- unfortunately I've already used to much of my power source to bring you here- I'm fading- you must save them Danielle- there was a war against our people and the Phoenix King- he used the wolves to wager war on us for centuries weakening our walls and letting our guards down while he conjured enough magic to kill everyone, you and I were born with extraordinary powers from the sun and moon- I used all my power to counter Pyro's magic and instead of killing everyone I simply put them to sleep in stone- your the only one that can wake them" Selina spoke.

Danielle hadn't realize she was crying, her family had faced such a cruel undoing and she lived all this time not knowing. "How do I fix this" Danielle spoke, "We are the people of the dragon- your dragon is your source of power and he is trapped in the lake of dreams- you must hurry" Selina spoke. "Selina" Danielle spoke as her image faded, "Wait- don't leave me" Danielle spoke. "I'll always be with you" She smiled before vanishing. "Your majesty I hard noise and saw lights" A faint voice spoke, Danielle turned her flashlight off, closing her eyes she found Tori. "Someone's here" She spoke through her link, "I'll find Lucy" She replied, Danielle peeked from the large balcony to see two figures standing on the distance.

"Danny" Lucy spoke, "Lets get out of here" Danielle spoke as they began to sneak away past the talking figures. "Your majesty should we investigate" The voice spoke, "It was probably just animals- rogues can't get past the magical barrier" The king replied. Danielle froze turning back to Lucy her eyes widened, "Hayden's father" Tori whispered. "Let's go Alfred- I never want to see this place again" He spoke before turning into his wolf and running off into the forest.

"Why would the king be here" Lucy spoke, "Because he knows something" Danielle muttered. Danielle explained what she had encountered with her sister, "That's so crazy" Lucy spoke. "Did they ever tell you guys about the war" Danielle spoke, "No- never" Lucy spoke trying to think back to any time in history they might have gone to war. "I remember one time my mother told me they had a huge battle against dangerous rogues that threatened their existence" Lucy spoke, "Odd" Danielle spoke. "I'm sorry Danielle- I wish I could be more help" Lucy spoke, "It's alright Lucy" Danielle smiled.

"I know who can give me answers" Danielle spoke looking beyond the huge trees she needed Hayden's father to tell her what happened to her people. "There's something else- I need to find the lake of dreams" Danielle spoke. "Maybe Hayden's father knows where it is" Tori spoke, "Maybe we could go snooping around his castle" Tori winked. "Oh I like that" Danielle smiled, "Great I'll let Noah we're coming" Lucy spoke. "It'll be great our last night before going back to the Academy" Lucy added.

"Danny" Hayden spoke, "Lucy invited us for a sleep over" Danielle spoke. "Why didn't you tell me" Hayden spoke "you guys can stay at the castle" Hayden spoke, the girls smiled, perfect. "Thank you for letting us do this" Tori chimed, "Well it is Danny's home to" Hayden spoke.

"Why is there only one bed" Danielle spoke, as Hayden showed them the guest room. "Well you could hang out here and do the girl stuff and later Um you could come Back to my room" Hayden spoke, "Aww" Tori and Lucy chimed. "Or you could give us a bigger room" Danielle spoke, his eyes fell. "Fine" Danny spoke giving in, damn it why was he so cute.

"I'll distract Hayden and his father- you guys dig through the office" Danielle spoke. They nodded.

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