Chapter 21: Phoenix saved me?

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"That arrogant man" Tori yelled fixing her dress, "But he was hot" Danielle spoke, "I hope for your sake you were talking about me" Hayden's dark voice suddenly filled the air. Rolling her eyes Danielle put on her heels, "You look good" Tori spoke to Hayden, "Thank you- you all look great" Hayden spoke, "Aww" Lucy replied.

"We'll give you two a minute" Tori spoke as they left. "Danielle your not allowed to call other men hot" Hayden spoke kissing her neck she bit back a moan. "After the coronation we're skipping the after party"
Hayden mumbled kissing her cheek he extended his arm to her, wrapping her hands around his she followed his lead.

To say the coronation was boring would be an understatement, it was a lot of talking, speeches and old people giving pearls of wisdom. Rolling her eyes Danielle huffed in her seat that was quiet uncomfortable, "How are you not dying" Danielle muttered to Selina, She grinned, "We have the same customs Danielle" Selina spoke, "One day when your queen you will understand" She added.

"I thought you were the queen" Danielle whispered, "The flame chooses the successor and it chose you" Selina spoke resting her hands on Danielle, "I had to protect you at all cost" Selina spoke, Danielle stared back at Hayden, "your the queen" kept ringing in her head.

"What are you doing" Tori spoke, "Oh nothing" Danielle replied looking out onto the royal garden. "Why are you being weird- there's a party going on inside and your out here" Tori replied. "I'm just thinking" Danielle replied "Selina said I was going to be queen- that some magical thing chose me" Danielle kept going. "Ok- Danny your going to be queen regardless" Tori replied.

"Yes but this is different- I'm going to be Queen to people I've never met- I still have a curse to break and my parents to bring back- Hayden expects me to be his queen and there's still Phoenix out their" Danielle spoke taking back the glass of scotch in one go. "That is a lot- but Danny you have us" Tori spoke holding her hands, "I don't want anyone to get hurt" Danielle spoke, "I know but we're going to help whether you want it or not" Tori spoke.

"There you are" Hayden spoke, noticing the scotch glass and bottle his eyebrow lifted. "Just getting the party started" Tori laughed awkwardly, "Victoria darling Bellamy wants to dance" their mothers voice chimed. "No thanks mom" Victoria smiled, "It wasn't a choice dear- come a long- your being a third wheel" Her mother glared before hugging Danielle and dragging her along. "Save me" Tori whispered, "I could tell you were bored" Hayden spoke taking the scotch glass he poured some for himself.

"It's nothing Hayden- today is your day" Danielle spoke, "Would you like to dance" Hayden spoke, "Sure but I don't really know how" Danielle spoke, moving closer Hayden placed Danielle's arms around his neck, holding her waist he swayed them back. "Selina told me about earlier- the queen thing" Hayden spoke. "I just didn't imagine that I would be Queen- to people I've never met" Danielle replied.

"Your not alone Danielle- you have all of us" Hayden chuckled, "You sound like Tori" Danielle mumbled inhaling the smell of his cologne she felt comfortable in his arms. "Should we sneak away" he whispered, "Aren't they going to notice" Danielle questioned, lifting her over his shoulder, "Of course there going to notice- but who cares" Hayden replied carrying her up the stairs to his bedroom.

Danielle touched the love bites on her neck, groaning she looked downward to her breast and thighs all covered in Hayden's marks. "Did you have to be so aggressive" Danielle spoke pulling a hoodie over her head, "It's not like it's a secret Danielle" Hayden spoke buttoning up his shirt. "I'll see you after lunch" He spoke kissing her on the forehead.

Running around the field Danielle stopped. "Danielle Woods" The man who looked like Phoenix spoke, "I'm sorry are you here to kill me to" Danielle spoke sarcastically. "You have your fathers wit- I see" He spoke, "And I'm sure you have your fathers evilness" Danielle smiled. "I'm much more superior than my father- he was weak- fell in love with your wretched mother and died without her love in return" The man spoke.

"I'm here to end this" he spoke his eyes glowing as he transformed into a huge shadow. "Oh boy" Danielle mumbled, "Transform" Her dragon yelled, "Hydra" Danielle whispered closing her eyes her body morphed into her dragon. Baring his fangs Hydra roared at the demon. Adonis moved in to attack, letting out a ball of fire Hydra did his best to keep up with Adonis. Adonis was strong, Danielle could feel her energy draining keeping up with Adonis was hard. "I'm sorry" Hydra spoke as he morphed back into her human form, Adonis stood over Danielle.

"And here I thought you would actually be a worthy opponent" Adonis mocked, "Farewell Miss. Woods" Adonis spoke raising his weapon to strike the last move when suddenly he was knocked off his feet. "Phoenix" Danielle mumbled confused as he picked her up, teleporting out of the area he was standing in front of Hayden. "Danielle" Hayden growled, "Let her go" Hayden growled. "Wait- Hayden- he saved me" Danielle spoke as he placed her down. "Why did you do that" Danielle questioned.

"It wasn't for you" Phoenix spoke before disappearing. "What does that mean" Hayden spoke holding Danielle, "I don't know" Danielle spoke, "but I think I know who does" She sighed.

"Adonis attacked you" Selina gasped, Danielle nodded. "I wasn't strong enough" Danielle mumbled, "You will be" Selina spoke. "Phoenix saved me" Danielle spoke, "Oh" Selina spoke. "I take it you expected nothing less- because he's in love with you- that's why he wanted to marry me" Danielle spoke.

"Your very smart Danny" Selina sighed, "We met during the war- he wanted me to run away with him- but I couldn't do that to mom and dad- not with what his father did to mom- so I told him no and he fell into his fathers darkness" Selina explained closing the curtains she pulled the covers up to Danielle chest, "Do you love him" Danielle spoke, "Maybe a long time ago" Selina smiled, "But it would never work- were two people who made the wrong choice" Selina added. "But" Danielle tried to argue. "There's no but Danielle you just need to focus on killing Adonis and bringing our family back" Selina spoke kissing her forehead she turned off the light.

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