Chapter 1: Cinderella

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"Danny" Victoria called, Danielle looked up from her punching bag, wiping the sweat dripping from her forehead she grabbed her water bottle. "Dad wants to see us" Victoria spoke throwing her gym bag to her. Danny showered and dressed formally- well as formally as she could be. She wasn't the type for big ball gowns or hair pieces that screamed 18th century renaissance. Her father stared at the both of them, "It wasn't me" Victoria blurted out, "I didn't do anything" Danny countered. "Girls-girls- no one is in trouble" their father boomed.

"So why are you giving us the death glare" Victoria huffed. "Victoria your going to be queen in a matter of a year" Her father started, "Of course dad- I'm ready" Victoria spoke confident. "Your mother and I think that you should experience the world outside of the castle walls- get to know your people" Her father spoke. "You mean like charity work" Victoria spoke, "No- you both are going to attend The Academy- your mother and I both studied their it was a great experience and it will bring you closer to people you will rule over" her father spoke.

"I don't need to go to school daddy" Victoria huffed. "I know your very intelligent my darling but this isn't about that" Her father spoke. "But" Victoria tried to speak, "Enough it's been decided" Her father spoke ending the conversation. "Danny you will attend with Victoria as her lets call it voice of reason- make sure she doesn't do anything stupid" her father smiled. "Of course father" Danielle spoke. "Ughh can you believe that" Victoria spoke falling back onto Danielle's bed. "Tori it's not that bad- its only a year" Danny chuckled packing her bags. "You should be packing to" She added looking at Tori.

The next day the private jet took off, Tori snuggled into Danielle. "So what do you think this year holds for us" Tori spoke, "Hopefully its quiet" Danny mumbled tucking her ear pods in her ear. She couldn't help but feel that there was a storm coming and it was going to be big. "The Academy was founded in the late 1500s- built by Samuel Salvagio he wanted the supernatural world to be able to attend a school where they could practice their powers or be themselves" Danielle spoke, "That's nice of him" Tori spoke. "Most of the attendants are vampires and werewolves" Danielle continued. "Oh great big doggies" Tori muttered. "Don't forget your a blood sucking human that can turn into a bat" Danielle laughed. Danielle was only half vampire- she didn't know what her other half. Someone- maybe her parents left her in the middle of the forest with just a necklace that said Danielle Woods- a name her adoptive parents the King and Queen gave to her.

"Princess Victoria my name is Dean Ramsey" a man spoke, he was very good looking the girls gawked at him. "A pleasure" Victoria smiled, "You must be Danielle Woods her body guard" He added, Danny nodded. "Please right this way- we've gathered the whole school to announce your arrival" Dean Ramsey spoke guiding them to the auditorium. It was a large room with a stage that was set nicely, it was beautiful, something out of the Vatican or 1800 art works. "Student and teachers- our most valued guest have arrived- This is Princess Victoria and her bodyguard Danielle" Dean Ramsey spoke, there was a minute of silence as everyone bowed in respects to Victoria. "Please there is no need for that- just treat us like regular students" Victoria spoke. The Erie feeling that she was being watched made Danielle snap to the crowd- her eyes landed on a set of blue ones for a minute she felt like time had stopped, she was in some kind of trance locked in with this mystery man.

"Danny" Victoria called snapping her out of her trance the man smirked and turned to leave. Who was that guy she couldn't help but think, "Danny let's go" Victoria spoke again- Danielle followed after her. "You okay" Victoria spoke as they settled into their dorm- well more like a pent house. "Yeah just something weird" Danielle spoke. "Alright well how about we check out campus and see what kind of parties are happening" Tori spoke skimming through her suitcase she pulled out a dress- Danielle remained in her shirt and jeans. Walking around Danielle couldn't help but feel amazed with the architecture of this place, it truly was remarkable.

"I feel like Harry Potter" Tori giggled, "Yeah I do to" Danielle laughed at her stupid joke. people moved out of the way for them- people gave them glances and some even glared at them. "I think that's that cafeteria" Danielle spoke looking at her map, "Okay I'm done with the tour- I want to check out the parties" Victoria spoke. "Did someone say party" a voice spoke. They turned to find a boy leaned against his locker, "My name is Drogo- I can get you into any party you want to be in" He smiled. "Victoria" Tori grinned as they followed him out of the campus and through the forest, a beach came into scenery. "Cave parties are the best" Drogo spoke, as soon as they stepped into the cave opening the music was so loud it shook the walls, people were everywhere.

"Yay" Victoria jumped with excitement, "I'll get us a booth" Drogo spoke talking to one of the Djs, a few minutes later they were escorted to a small booth with a couch and drinks on the table. "I'm going to the washroom" Danielle spoke, Tori nodded. walking through the crowd Danielle noticed eyes on her again- turning around the man from earlier was right in front of her.

"You know your kind of creepy" Danielle yelled over the music crossing her arms over her chest, "Am I" he chuckled, his laughter made her heart skip a beat. "Do you see something you like" Danielle spoke again, "Yeah actually I do" he smirked. "Sorry dude I'm not interested" Danielle smirked back, "I wasn't asking" he smiled walking away. what was that supposed to mean, shaking her head she headed to the washroom and than back to her booth where Tori was getting hammered.

"Danny these guys wanted to join us" Tori yelled, it was the guy from earlier and some other guy. "This is Hayden- hes the um" Tori slurred. "I'm Hayden- the king of Wolves and this is my beta Noah and his mate Lucy" Hayden introduced. "What's a mate" Tori asked, "Soul mate- werewolves have them" Danielle spoke. "That's right" Hayden smiled, "And your mate" Tori asked Hayden, "I just found her- she has no idea I exist" Hayden spoke with smile. "Well that sucks- all the best" Tori spoke clicking her glass against his. "Alright we have classes tomorrow- lets go" Danielle spoke holding Tori up.

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