Chapter 6: The Aftermath

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"Do you have any idea the scene you just caused" Dean Ramsey spoke, "Sorry my wolf got out of control- I got jealous" Hayden spoke. He sighed, "Don't let it happen again" He spoke. "I won't" Hayden spoke, he wasn't even sure how Danielle was, did she hate him.

"Your his mate- I can't believe your the future queen of wolves" Tori spoke, "I'm not the future queen" Danielle cringed, "Danny wolves have to have their mates- you know that" Tori spoke. "How did this even happen" Danielle groaned. A knock on the door sent them both on edge, "It's me Lucy" Lucy spoke. Letting out a breath of relief they answered the door. "I'm so sorry I know how shocked you must be- I just wanted to see if you were okay" Lucy spoke after several minutes of silence. "I'm fine- I'm just a little confused" Danielle spoke, "Ask me anything- Hayden is a really nice guy- he's my cousin and I know he got a little scary out there but his wolf lost control" Lucy spoke.

"So where is he" Danielle spoke, "He's in the deans office" Lucy spoke, Well this year has officially went up in flames. "Who's bright idea was it to send us here" Danielle huffed, "Danny I think it's romantic- Hayden could be really good for you" Tori spoke hugging her. Her phone rung looking down it was her mother, "Mom" Danielle spoke, "How are my darlings doing" she chimed. "We're good" Danny spoke, "So I heard that your the wolf kings mate" She spoke getting right to the point, "Oh- god- does the world know" Danielle spoke. "Of course- your father is absolutely thrilled, him and Hayden's father are already talking about the possibility of trade and other boring stuff" Her mother spoke.

"I haven't even decided anything" Danielle spoke, "And it is absolutely your choice" She spoke, "Just do what makes you happy Danielle" she added. "Thank you" Danielle spoke, "Love you both" she finished, "Love you to" they both replied.

Danielle walked through the halls- people moved out of the way for- Bowed to her and even showed emotions of respect. "Great just what I needed" Danny muttered opening her locker she grabbed her school work. "Danny" his voice made her physically cringe, "Only my friends call me that" she snapped. "I'm sorry that's not how I meant to tell you" Hayden spoke his eyes drilling holes into hers. "Tell me what exactly- that I'm your mate- you were right deep down I did for a instant think it might have been me and that's why you were so clingy" Danielle confesses, "But nothing was to come of it" Danielle added.

"What" he snapped, "Nothing was to come of it" Danielle stated. "Your my mate- your rejecting me" he spoke. "Can I do that" Danielle perked, "Like hell I would let you" Hayden spoke. "Are you saying I don't have a say in a relationship forced onto me" Danielle glared. "No- but we are mates Danielle the universe put us together- don't you wonder why" Hayden growled, "No and I don't care- I came here to prove myself to my father- that I had the right to lead the royal army" Danielle spoke. "I'm not going to let you reject you" Hayden spoke his voice had suddenly dropped so low he looked like a predator and Danielle felt like a prey.

"It's not your decision" Danielle spoke, "Like he'll it's not" Hayden growled throwing Danielle over his shoulder he headed out the school. "Where are you taking me" she yelled hitting his back, a private jet came in to view. "No- wait- Hayden where are you taking me" Danielle yelled as Hayden flopped her to a seat. "To my home" Hayden spoke, "What are you crazy- you can't just- just kidnap me- what about Tori" Danielle spoke frantically, "Is being watched by Noah and Lucy" Hayden spoke. "My father will be furious when he hears this" Danielle glared, "Actually he suggested you might be stubborn" Hayden spoke treading lightly with his words.

"Here we are" Hayden spoke as they stepped off the plane. "Not coming" Hayden spoke, "No" Danielle snapped she remained seated, Hayden knelt down in front of her, "You can either walk off this plane with me civilly or we can stay here and I'll kiss you until you move" Hayden spoke, "What- no" Danielle spoke holding her ground as she watched Hayden move closer. "Okay- okay I'll go" Danielle spoke pushing his face to the side she quickly got off the plane. "Was that so bad" he muttered, "Oh one last thing" he spoke closing the distance he pulled Danielle into him and kissed her, for a minute the entire world just stopped, well at least it did for Danielle.

Resting his forehead against hers they panted for air, "I've wanted to do that from the minute I saw you" he spoke, "You said you weren't going to kiss me if I got off the plane" Danielle mumbled. "Uh-hum" Someone cleared their throat, Danielle turned to find who she assumed were Hayden's parents and his sister. "Oh my god" she mumbled her face turning bright red, "Well we see things are going quiet well with you two" The queen spoke with a mischievous smile. "He kissed me" Danielle blurted out, "Yeah we saw that to" His sister chuckled, "That's my boy" the king spoke. "Danielle it's so nice to meet you sweetie" The queen spoke, "Thank you your majesty" Danielle spoke greeting them. "Oh please just call us mom and dad" The queen spoke.

"Okay" Danielle spoke feeling awkward about doing that, "I'm Flora- Hayden's sister" Flora spoke, "It's nice to meet you" Danielle spoke. "Why don't you two get cleaned up and meet us for dinner- Hayden will give you a tour of the castle" His mother spoke, Hayden nodded hugging her. "Why is my suitcase here" Danielle spoke, "Tori packed it" Hayden spoke unbuttoning his shirt, "Whoa- what are you doing" Danielle spoke, "I'm going to take a shower- there's two showers so you can use the other" Hayden spoke, "I'll just wait for you to finish- and please go change in the bathroom" Danielle spoke.

"You sound like a virgin" Hayden chuckled, Danielle but her lips- I am a virgin you idiot she couldn't help but think. Seeing how serious her face was Hayden narrowed his eyes. "Are you a virgin" He smiled, "That's kind of a personal question" she replied, "You are a virgin" he spoke to himself, "Yes I'm a virgin- are you happy" Danielle huffed, "Actually I am" Hayden smirked, "Why it's not like I'm going to give it to you" she smirked back, "That's not funny" he glared, "I wasn't trying to be" She spoke unzipping her bag. "I assume this is your room- where am I staying and when are you taking me back to The Academy" Danielle spoke as Hayden emerged from the shower fully dressed.

"Your staying in here and when you decide to accept me as your mate I'll take you back" Hayden spoke. "I'm not staying in here- we barely know each other" Danielle muttered. "I won't attack you" Hayden spoke, "You kidnapped me who's to say your not some rapist psychopath" Danielle spoke. "I would never do anything like that to you" Hayden spoke. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight if it makes you feel better" he spoke, Danielle nodded.

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