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21: Holding hands

Jisoo pov
"Excuse me, Miss?"

Slowly I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the bright light.

Confused I looked around, only to notice the cleaning woman standing right behind me.

"I would like to ask you to leave as I need to clean up here", she said and left through the door.

I messaged my temples and looked around one more time.

This wasn't my home and this most certainly wasn't our couch I was sitting on.

Feeling a weight on my legs I looked down, only to see a sleeping Yoongi.

We must've fallen asleep, I thought.

My gaze wandered, stopping at our intertwined fingers that were laying on his chest.

He was sleeping so soundly, it made me want to go back to sleep as well.

But I knew I couldn't. It was already the next day, early in the morning.

I knew that I didn't have anything scheduled but I didn't know about him.

My head went through his hair, fondling with it. His long lashes made a shadow under his eyes, hiding his under eyes circles.

He looked so peaceful sleeping and I somehow felt like he was the sleeping beauty. The only thing missing was a princess to kiss him awake.

"Hey, Yoongi", I whispered, trying to wake him up.

Gently I shook him and waited for him to open his eyes.

I tried to untangle our interlinked fingers only for Yoongi squeeze my hand, mumbling a "Five more minutes".

I watched him furrow his eyebrows before he slowly opened his eyes.

"Jisoo-yah? What are you doing in my apartment?", he mumbled.

His voice was hoarse. He stretched himself and looked around, noticing that we weren't in his apartment.

"What the-?" He looked around in confusion and sat up.

"What time is it?", he asked as he ruffled through his hair, looking at me.

I looked down at my watch. 9 am.

I told him the time and stood up. The others must be wondering where I am, I thought. If they were already awake.

"You fell asleep last night. I didn't want to wake you and I guess I fell asleep at some point too."

He stood up as well and took his jacket.

"I'm gonna call my manager", he mumbled as he searched for his phone, "We'll bring you home."

When he was about to dial the number I took his arm and stopped him.

"Do you have anything scheduled today?", I asked.

He shook his head. "Not until the late afternoon, I think. Why are you asking?"

"Let's go to a café or something. Let's have breakfast."

Before he could even respond, I pulled him out by his arm. Together we walked down the stairs, asking for masks and caps at the bar.

A bartender that was cleaning up the counter gave some to us. We put them on and left the building.

Because it was already late morning a lot of people were outside, going to work or walking their dog.

If we just walked around like that people would get suspicious so I took Yoongi's hand and started walking down the street.

"What-" He tried to let go of my hand but I just grabbed it tighter.

"Just act normal", I mumbled as we walked next to each other, looking for a nice coffee shop.

At that moment I was glad that none of us had decided to wear colorful clothes the day before. Even though my dress might have been a tint too short, my jacket hid most of it as it was oversized.

Yoongi was dressed in all black, just as he had the other times we've met at Aurora.

To our luck, Aurora was in a district where not many young people hung out, so the chances that someone would recognize us were low.

Adding to that, most people were either working or at school so the only people left were the elderly, who probably never heard of us.

We walked past an old couple, who smiled at us. The man was supporting his wife, who obviously couldn't walk properly.

The two of us slightly bowed at them and smiled back, even though they couldn't see that through our masks.

"What a cute couple", the woman said as we walked passed them.

None of us replied anything to her words, we just continued walking.

"Wah, this looks good", I said and pointed to a coffee shop at the upcoming corner.

"You wanna go there?", Yoongi asked as I felt his gaze on me. I rapidly nodded and was ready to sprint to the shop.

The last thing we had was beer so of course, we would be hungry.

Yoongi had to squeeze my hand multiple times so I wouldn't just start running to it. Every time he did I felt my body heat up as if his hand was electrifying me.

From time to time I heard his adorable laugh coming from behind his mask but every time I turned to him he stopped and put on a poker face.

By the time we entered the coffee shop both of us had already forgotten that we were holding hands.

When I was about to pull money out of the pocket of my jacket, we noticed again.

For the split of a minute, his hand let go of mine so I could hand the employee the money. As soon as I had received the change and had put it away, his warm hand wrapped back around mine.

I was glad that I was wearing a mask, otherwise, he would have been able to see my reddened face. And I knew he would have started teasing me about it.

We took our coffee and our food and sat on a table way back in the corner of the shop.

Enjoying our breakfast, both of us totally forgot that we actually were idols. Everything just felt as if we were just two teenagers who ditched school to go out together.

"This is nice. We should do this more often", Yoongi said and looked at me. "Only if you want to, of course."

I took a sip of my coffee and nodded. "Yes, definitely."

We finished our meal and left the shop, putting our masks back on.

"I'm gonna call us a cab", he mumbled as he went to the side of the street, waving his arm as a cab drove by.

He opened the door for me and waited for me to get in. When I did, I felt his hand on the frame of the car door, protecting my head from knocking against it.

After giving the driver our destinations, I felt his hand creep back to mine. With a smile, I took it, feeling his thumb caressing the back of my hand.

My hand fit into his as if it was a match made in heaven, as if they were two puzzle pieces finally put together.

And without saying anything we both looked out of the windows, having only our intertwined hands between us.

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