Chapter 2 A Freaky Hell New Class

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Ella feels a little bit dizzy after having a long sprint with a heavy bag pack as her burden. Her anger for her best friend Ariel has already sank deeply in her heart which is now full of desperateness. Her sorority’s sisters, Ariel, Jolin, and Gillian, all go to the different classes. Now, she’s standing in front of her new class. Lucky for her, the teacher is no where to find yet, it means that her half an hour late is nothing compare to the teacher’s late. Sighing, she’s stepping in to the class. The class is totally strange to her. No one in the class she had known before. ‘Okay, the first thing to do, is to find a place to sit’ Ella told herself.

“Excuse me, can I sit here?” Ella’s asking while she’s approaching a girl who is reading somekind of romantic novel.

“I’m sorry, but this sit is already occupied.” She’s answering politely.

“Uh, okay then. What about you? Can I sit here?” Ella’s asking another girl in front of the reading girl.

“Sorry, this is my friend’s place.” She’s answering and smiling.

‘This is exactly the things that’ll happen if you go to a strange class.’ After a couples of rejection, Ella finally approach to the last seat. There, finally she find a person that she already know. Feeling relief, she’s greeting him.

“Yo, grandpa! So you’re in the same class with me again. Do you mind if I sit with you for a whole year?”

The guy before her, who was reading a sport magazine, lift his head up and smiling, “Sure! You can have this seat!”

“Finally! Thanks, grandpa!” Ella thanked the guy who now already reads his magazine again. This ‘grandpa’ guy name is Calvin. He is actually just a year older than Ella. He used to be Ella’s senior from junior high, but since the accident 2 years ago made him to stay in hospital for about 8 months, he ended up as Ella’s classmate in her second year of senior high. So, for that reason, Ella has called him ‘grandpa’.

“So, have you hanging around already?” Ella’s trying to open a friendly conversation with him as he already been so nice to let her sit with him.

“Uh, huh!” he’s answering in a short answer.

“Great!” ‘Another ignorant answer, I should just let him read his magz and mind for my own business, as it’s better for me to go to the washroom before the teacher’s come.’ Ella’s whispering. So, soon she’s standing and sprinting in to the washroom. After she finished her business there, she’s (again) sprinting on her way back to her class. Just before she reach her new class, someone has tipped her in her shoulder.

“Wow, what make you such in a hurry like that, young lady?”

“Wha.. What?” Ella’s screaming for her surprised and looking back through her shoulder to find who is the person of such a familiar voice belong. The guy’s just smiling ear to ear.

“Jiro! What are you doing here?”

“Hey, this’s my school too! Hahaha.” Jiro, a warm-happily-ever–after guy, is smiling before her. He always looks like he only has summer in his own world. Never feel or looks gloomy neither whining in his life as long as she has known him since the first year of senior high.

“Yeah, so which class are you in?” Ella’s punching his flat chest friendly.

“Ouch, III-science5. What about you?” He’s answering while pretending that her punch was hurting him so much.

“Oh, silly! I’m your neighbor then, coz, I’m in the III-science4, right over there.” Ella’s punching him once again, but this time harder and then pointing in to her class.

“Hey! It’s really hurt now.” He’s rubbing his own chest and suddenly went blank for a moment as if he was thinking about something. “Hey, I gotta go now.” He’s finally smiling, tipping the back of his hand gently on her shoulder, then run away.

“Freak!” Ella’s whispering and smiling. “Anyway, better go back to the class now.”

As she’s entering her class, she caught a sight of a guy who wear a glasses. Her heart is stopping for a moment, then finally start to have its beat again. ‘Ah, stupid me! No way he’ll be here in my class. He’s already graduate from high school since I was in elementary school.’ She’s approaching to her seat when finally Ms. Honey, who’s happening to be their head teacher, is entering the class while Jiro is tailing her.

“Please, Ms. Honey. Let me be in your class.” Jiro’s begging her. Seriously, this is the first time when Ella sees him in such a whining mode.

“No, Jiro. Your class is next to this class. Go back to your own class.” Ms. Honey, feels annoyed, answering him in a rude ways.

“But, Ms. Honey…” Jiro, once again is begging her. His whole-hearted voice then finally change her cold heart.

“Fine! Go find your own sit then.” She’s finally answering and smiling. Ella never knows that being a smart guy will makes Jiro get whatever he wants. Yes, Ella knows now, that Jiro is really a smart guy, both in educational field and in winning someone’s heart.

“There, there, I would like to sit next to that girl.” He’s pointing at Ella who looks surprise. “But Ms. Honey, there’s no more seats left.” Jiro asking her, once again in a whining mode.

“Then, better you go downstairs and ask Mr. Tang for an additional seat and table.” Ms. Honey, who now busy with somekind of files on her own table, is telling Jiro without bothered to lift her face.

“Sounds great to me.” He answered then rushing through the door.

Finally, when Jiro already comes back with a chair on his arm and Mr. Tang’s tailing him while bringing his table, Ms. Honey lift her head up from her files for the first time. Looking around the class, she’s trying to find a place where Jiro should put his chair and table. It’s written clearly that she wasn’t pay attention to what Jiro had said earlier, because she doesn’t know that Jiro really wants to sit next to Ella.

“Hum, then Jiro, you should sit somewhere in..” Ms. Honey starts to rambling while her index finger pointing around the class and was cut off by Jiro.

“Actually, no need to worry Ms. Honey. I already find my own place to sit. I want to sit next to Ella.” Jiro tells her calmly.

“Then it will be five of you in a row. Is Ella okay with that? As she’s the only girl in the row?” Ms. Honey, who’s happening to be Ella’s biology’s teacher since the first year, already know her well, that’s why she’s asking about Ella’s opinion.

“Sounds great enough for me, Ms. Honey.” Ella’s answering her with the sweetiest smile.

“Then, you can have your sit there, Jiro.” Ms. Honey telling Jiro, whose already in the middle of his way approaching Ella with his chair, smiling widely.

“Now, kids, off to our main topic..” Ms. Honey then begin the class for the first time.



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