Chapter 8 Jiro's Idea?!

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“Rrr.. Rrrr..”

Ella was awakened by the vibration of her cell phone. Breathing in a cursing way, she grabbed her cell under her pillows and then push the ‘talk’ button.

“Urgh! What do you want? Make it quick!” She said harshly without bothered to see the name of the person who was calling her on the display screen.

“Yo! Sleeping-not-beauty! What a lazybones! Still dreaming aren’t you?” said the person.

“This’s must be a good thing Chun, or I’ll kill you for waking me up!” Ella’s recognizing Chun’s voice, which is so gently and soft. She’s already getting used to his voice because there was no day without Chun’s calling her. Not even a single brightly Sunday like today.

“Oh, don’t say that you forgot about our Sunday class?” he said.

“No, I don’t forget. But as I said yesterday, if you kindly enough to pay attention to what I said while you throwing the balls to the basket, I wont go to that class!” she said lazily.

“Ow, but this class will help you to get a better grade at physics. You’re such a lame on it, don’t you?”

“I do. But I didn’t see the benefits of going to school on Sunday except prolonging the tortures of my little brain and make it works so hard, and that’s definitely not a benefits! You talk like six days a week will never be enough to work on physics. Hey, Dude, you’re the nerd, let me alone with my holiday. I need my beauty sleep.” Ella said.

“But if you don’t come, I’ll sit alone! Please, save my pride.” Chun’s whining.

“There, there. Finally it’s obvious to me why you want me to come.” She said in a rude way.

“Yes, I am hoping for your accompany, I admit that. But, I’m also seriously want you to repair your bad physics grade! Common, I’m dying for you.” Chun was in his whining mode, but against the stubborn Ella, it was just rubbish to her.

“Then, just be dead!” with that, she hung up the phone.

“Rrr.. RRrr..” Ella pushed the ‘end’ botton.

“RRrr.. RRrrr..” The cell never stops to vibrate. After several of rejection from her didn’t make Chun stop to called her, finally Ella decided to pick up the phone, said to him that she’ll be over in an hour, and then took a bath and rushing to the school.

‘Crap! I’m late for 30 minutes, and there was Mr. Lee standing in front of my class. What the hell is he doing there? I thought today will be a friendly physics lesson with Mr. White, damn!’ Ella was busy thinking in her own brain while peeking into her class from one of the window. Chun, who was sitting not too far from the window sensing her attendance and was having a great initiative to call her cell. But, poorly Ella was forgot to turn her cell in to the silence mode, that’s why soon, a very loud sounds of her ringing tone was disturbing Mr. Lee’s speech. As the song of ’19-2000’ by Gorillaz which is happening to be one of Ella’s favorite song was heard by the whole class and also Mr. Lee, Ella was cursing the person, whoever he is or she is, for calling her in a very un appropriate time. She was searching the damned cell phone which is now already stopped ringing in her bag, while Mr. Lee approached her. He then grabbed her shoulder with one of his big palm.

“Well, well, Ms. Ella Chen. It seems that you never getting rid of your old habit for coming late to the school.” He said and smiled in an evil way.

“Bu.. but I..” Ella was stopped in the middle of her words when he saw Chun inside the class was trying to say something to her. It's like he tried to apologize to her. Ah. She must knew it before, the person who was calling her must be him. ‘Oh, he’ll be so dead right after I can reach him.’ Ella cursed in her mind.

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