Chapter 10 A Bright Sunny Date (I Mean Day)

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“Yes, Chun?” Ella was doing her proposal about the class’s carnival. Apparently the rest of the groups in the class were agreed to join their idea of making a carnival.

“Uh, Elle. My.. my glasses was broken.” He sobbed.

“Huh? Why?” She asked in her surprised.

“I was playing basketball with my friends this afternoon as usual, and Jiro was hit me with the ball.” He said, still sobbing.

“What? Jiro? But how come he played with you?”

“Surprisingly, he was my neighbor.”


“Don’t just yelling what-what! Tell me WHAT I got to do?” He started to sobbed again.

“Well, you have to fix your glasses first. You’re so blind without it, don’t you? Asked Jiro to take you to the optic. He has to take a responsible for breaking your glasses, is that clear Chun?” Ella said.

“Well, yeah. Will you come too?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t Chun. I have to finish this stupid proposal for our carnival, remember? Call me when you’re done, ok?” Ella asked him in a soft voice. Somehow it makes Chun even want to spoil over her.

“But.. Ok..” Chun was trying to asked Ella to accompany him, but he knows that it will be an useless effort since Ella was so stubborn. He was thinking to himself ‘It’s weird. I’m always want Ella to be by my side as if I can’t do nothing without her. Geez, I must overthinking about it.’ He sighed then dialing Jiro’s number.

The next very bright day, the teacher was absent. So, the student were spending their time by their own ways. Chun, Jiro and a couples of guys were choosing to play basket on the court. Ella, Selina, and Hebe was in the court too to cheered them up. Finally, the guys were taking a short break. Chun was calling Ella while making a ‘come here’ signal with his hand. When Ella was approaching him, he suddenly run to her and then grab her little hand and brushing his big sweaty hand to hers. Ella screamed for her surprise.


“I was just sharing my treasure with you.” Chun made a slight grin on his handsome face.

“What stupid treasure are you talking about? That was only a smelly stupid sweat of you that you were giving to me! Urgh! You’re so dead, Chun!” She then run after him, while Chun was running happily to avoid her. He didn’t have to do his fully effort to run since his long legs was already enough to make a sufficient distance with her. Ella was still running while cursing Chun to death when suddenly a bunch of second years boys approaching them.

“Uhum, Hey Ella?” one of the boys was calling her name.

“Huh? (hosh) Yeah? (hosh)” Ella was so surprised. ‘Do I know him?’ she thought. Out of breath, she stopped to run. “Yeah?” she asked the boy once again and then approaching him.

“Hi, my name’s Joe.” The boy smiled at her.

“Yeah?” Chun was already decided to stop his running too. He was standing beside Ella now and put one of his huge arm on her shoulder. “What do you want?” He asked in a harsh tone.

“Stop it Chun! You scared him!” Ella whispered and hitting his waist with her elbow. “Well, Joe, What can I do for you?” She asked and then smiled sweetly.

“Well, I was a big admirer of you..”

“What?” Joe’s word was cut off by Chun’s voice while Ella was frowning.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well, yeah, I already know you since I was in the first year, and was trying to know you better, but you know, I never have guts.” He muttered and then smiled awkwardly. “But, my friends kinda push me to do it, so, I kinda have this two movie tickets on Saturday night, and I want to ask you to come with me, would you?” Joe was blushing seriously red. Everyone in the court can tell. Ella was so shocked that she didn’t find any words to speak while Chun was dropping his jaw and open his eyes widely.

“Would you come with me?” Joe was asking her once again. Ella was remains silence while running her eyes on the new boy. Joe, was a skinny boy, his smile was cute and he wears glasses too. Somehow, Ella was always attracted to any guy who wear glasses, that’s why they (any guy who wear glasses) always get one more point plus from her. She never know the reason, though, but she always crazy about guys and glasses. So, she answered him,

“Yes, of course.”

“WHAT?” Chun was yelling before her.

“Ugh, no need to screamed Chun!” She said, pouting her little lips.

“Bu.. but..” He stuttered.

“Okay, see you next Saturday, then.” Joe was smiling widely and then leaving the court happily with his friends. They were exchanging high-5 and laughing.

“Elle, are you serious?” Chun asked.

“Yeah, why?” She answered lazily that made Chun gasped.

“… never mind..” He said. ‘Oh, no! I have this weird feeling rushing over me.. What feeling is this? Am I jealous of her? No, way!’

“What are you thinking about, Chun?” Ella was waving her hand in front of Chun’s eyes.

“Huh? No, nothing!” He muttered.

“Never think that someday such a cute boy could exactly fall for me, don’t we? Hahaha. I better prepare my self up for this, uhm, important occasion, or should I called it as my.. first date? Hehehe.” She was blushing shadely pink, makes her looks cute, though.

Chun was struggling in his own mind. ‘I’m not jealous on her, don’t I?’ But, finally he could push a words out of his throat.

“Better for you to make a lot of ‘heno-heno-moheji’ dolls since I smell something fishy that it wont be this bright on Saturday. I feel that a huge storm will be happen on Saturday.”

“Who are you? A weather forecaster? Ah, go bite yourself, Chun.” Ella raised one of her eye brow in a disbelieving look, left him on the court and then approaching her best friends, Hebe and Selina.

‘I am really jealous, am I? What kind of words is that? Shouldn’t I fell happy for her first date? I don’t know my self any longer.’ Chun was cursing himself and his big mouth.



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