Chapter 14 Miss-under-stoeds (part.2)

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“I ain’t happy, I’m feeling sad.. I got sunshine in a bag.. I’m useless.. but not for long, the future.. is comin’ on.. is comin’ on..” Again and again, ‘Clint Eastwood’ song by Gorillaz was heard in Ella’s room. It was her ring tone, and that was Chun, that called her for the ninth time.

Still, she didn’t pick it up.

She didn’t in her mood to speak to him.

When, it was about the tenth time her cell phone was ringing, her brother Billy reached her room and shouted,


‘Stupid Chun! Why he was so stubborn that didn’t stop to call me after I ignored him like this?’ But then, she reached her cell and pushed the ‘talk’ button,

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Finally you pick it up. Where have you been? Didn’t you know that I already tried to call you for almost an hour?” He asked in a concern tone.

“I was busy.” Ella lied. She didn’t want to explain anything to him.

“Well, Elle, I was kinda thinking about something,” he paused.


“Are you mad at me?” He asked carefully.

“What do you think?” Ella asked him back.

“Well, you are.” He answered.

She said nothing.

“Look, Elle, if I’ve done anything wrong, I’m sorry, but please tell me what I’ve done.”

“Why you’re not coming with us to visit Olive yesterday?” Ella suddenly asked.

“I’ve told you that my car was broken. It’s true.”

“I know. But you didn’t tell me that you dated with Angela yesterday.” She said harshly.

“Wha..” but before Chun can continue his words, he was cut off by Ella.

“Which one do you think that more important, Chun? Us or Angela? Oh, no need to answer since I already know. You choose to go out with her than with the rest of us, it’s explaining everything that she is more important to you.” She said in a rude tone.

“What? She’s not!”

“Don’t lie to me Chun. You go out with her and abandoned us. You had your promise with us first, you know that?” Ella was holding her tears and she didn’t know why. “Urgh, I’m tired. Don’t want to talk about this anymore. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, she hang up the phone and go to sleep.

The next day, Ella had already thinking from the time that she just woke up and on her way to school, that her behavior was not really appropriate. She didn’t have the right to mad at Chun like that. It’s not like she was his girlfriend or what that she could mad at him because he was dating with his ex’ again. Although she obviously know now that she started to have feelings toward him, she was deciding not to mad at him again and just forget about that.

That’s why, she started to act normally towards him.

But that suddenly change of her behavior put Chun in a curiosity. He couldn’t understand why she was so nice today like there was nothing happened, when she was so upset yesterday that she didn’t feel to talk even see his face. Even that he knew that she still mad at him when he called her last night. To pay out of his curiosity, he decided to ask straightly to Ella. He didn’t like the feels of a cliff hanger. To do his plan, he had to ask Jiro’s help since he knew that Ella wont talk about it again as she already said that last night, but Chun was on his mission to make all things clear, so here they goes, a private conversation between Ella, Chun and of course Jiro in a private hiding place somewhere around the school, during the break time.

“What do you want to talk about?” Ella asked curiously. She didn’t like the feeling of having such a serious conversation.

“About last night..” Chun begin, but was cut off by Ella.

“I said I didn’t want to talk about it again, gees!”

“Let him finished what he want to say.” Jiro said calmly.

‘Thanks Jiro. I really need your assistant to handle her reaction.’ Chun was giving Jiro a thanks smile. Chun had already explain the whole situation to Jiro first.

“I don’t know why you’re so mad at me. I already ask for an apologize though.”

“Don’t ever ask for an apologize if you don’t know the matter. It will be such an useless effort to do.” Ella pouting.

“But, I just thought that I had to. And I kinda had know of what should I ask an apologize for.”

“If you’re so smart, then tell me, what should you ask an apologize for?” Ella was daring Chun. She stared him bravely with her bright black eyes.

“I should ask an apologized for abandoning you and for not telling you that I was out with Angela.” Chun said straightly.

Ella gasped, she was surprised that Chun could just saying what exactly that she want to hear from him. She went blank for a moment but finally could find her voice back. “Why do you think you should ask me an apologize for that? I’m not your girlfriend or wifey that you should ask me a permission to go out with her like that. I don’t even care.” She lied. She was absolutely lying. But Chun and Jiro know that.

That she was absolutely lying.

“Okay, so what do you want him to ask for an apologize for, Elle?” Jiro asked and smiled to her.

“Err, I.. uh..” She stuttered.

“So it’s right then. You mad at me because I go out with Angela? That means you are jealous to me.” Chun let out his victorious smirk.

“I’m SO NOT.” Ella screamed, Jiro laughing.

“Don’t worry, I’m not into her anymore. She just one of my friend, now. I interested with another girl.” Chun smiled to Ella than smirked to Jiro. Jiro was nodding his head, while Ella, having no ideas that his words of ‘another girl’ was referring to her, started to guessing who was the lucky girl that had wins Chun’s heart.

In that happy situation, they didn’t notice that someone had eavesdrop their conversation.

“Hm, pretty interesting. That tomboy girl seems having a crush with Chun. Let’s see what I can do.” Said the eavesdropper in the shadow, then she let out a smirked.



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