Chapter 6 Psssssttt..

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It was a beautiful day for Ella. She was hearing to her pink metallic i-pod happily while closing her eyes and lying on her table when suddenly Jiro rushing into the class, jumped over his desk and landed clumsily beside Ella.

“Hey, Ella!” He cried out desperately.

“Yes, Jiro?” Ella smiled widely, Jiro’s loud voice was heard like a bird chirping into her ears.

‘Gosh, I bet this girl must know nothing about this.’ He thought while rubbing his hair. He made a ‘take-that-earphone-out-of-your-ears-now’ signal with his hand.

As Ella took the earphone of her ears, Jiro continued to talk, “Have you studied history yet?”

“What? Why must I studied history?” Ella was clueless.

“Ah, you must be forgoten that we had a test this afternoon, don’t you?” Jiro asked unpatiently while tipping his finger on the desk.

“What? A History test?” Ella looked stupid.

“I knew it! You must be totally forgot about it!” Jiro cried out his sexy voice while rubbing his brown hair desperately.

“Well, I’m sorry, gees. So have you studied?” Ella feel annoyed with Jiro’s expression and asked him back.

“I don’t even have the book!”

“But, you’re a smart-ass, how come you didn’t have the book?” Ella’s shocked hearing Jiro’s statement.

“I’m a damned smart-ass at math, physics, chemistry, whatever that had numbers in it, just named it! But I don’t care with history, that’s why I don’t even bother to buy the book!”

“But history also had numbers in it, as for years, date, etc.” Ella said annoyingly.

“Oh, yeah, you right. Spare me for that. But, the important thing now is, how could we get through that test if there’s none of us whose studying?” Jiro asked desperately.

“What about Chun? Or Aaron? Or Grandpa? Wont they be kindly enough to helping us out?”

“I don’t think so. They will help us in a normal condition, but they wont helping us during the test time. I guess we’re on our own now, Elle.” He said.

“So, what are we gonna do now?”

“Let’s cheat!”

==At the test==

“Jiro, are you sure we’re going to do this?” Ella was whispering to Jiro, while Mr. Moon, the history teacher, was handing them the question papers.

“Yeap, we have to save our own ass. Remember Elle, you’re the spy, you’ll have to inform me if Mr. Moon was approaching us. You said ‘cold’ if he was in a distant way from us that it’s save enough for me to peek on the book, you said ‘warm’ if he started to walk on our direction, and you said ‘hot’ if he was in a dangerous state to caught up our action, got that?” Jiro was whispering to Ella while his eyes was following every single act that Mr. Moon do.

“Yes, sir!” Ella nodded and then gulped.

“Good! Now, let’s begin!”

So, while Jiro was peeking on the book to search for the answer, Ella was totally putting her attention to Mr. Moon. As soon as Jiro had found the answer, he’ll write that on his paper and after that, Ella would copying it to her own paper.

“Yo, Jiro, it’s cold, you know?” Ella said. Jiro was smiling, that means that it was save enough for him to peek on the book.

“Hey Jiro, it’s getting warm here.” Ella said. Jiro was warned that Mr. Moon was approaching them.

“Ugh, it’s really HOT here, don’t you think so, JIRO?” Ella warned him for the last time.

“SSHHTT.” Said the other students. Ella’s voice was surely annoying them.

Ella and Jiro was smiling to each other.

Even that they were successfully doing their mission, somehow, both of them kinda felt a little guilty because they were cheating while the others weren’t. Well, it’s because Ella and Jiro didn’t see their friends cheating, didn’t mean that they didn’t do it, right?

“We’re so rude. We’re so bad.” Jiro whispered as he was flipping the book’s pages slowly under the table.

“We’re going to hell together, you know?” He continued.

“You scared me, Jiro. It’s you the one who suggested us for doing this.” Ella whispered to him. She could feel cold down on her spine.

“We’re bad! REALLY bad.” He continued to whispered and also… peeking to the book.

“I’m sorry God. I’m so sorry for what we’ve had done.” Ella was praying secretly in her heart.

But, their duet was done smoothly that they get all the questions answered before the time is up. Even they still had enough time to chat and singing together. What a lame couple, don’t you think? At least, that was everybody in the class think about them.

Ella and Jiro were totally forgot that they should pretending that they didn’t finish it easily, which is they wouldn’t, if they weren’t cheating. They were enjoying them self. Both of them were singing duet in a loud voice. First, it was Ronan Keating’s song, called ‘When You Say Nothing At All.” Then it continued with a hard song from Linkin Park, called ‘One Step Closer’. Normally, if they were singing in duet, everybody will surely like it and appreciate it, as Ella’s and Jiro’s voice was absolutely good or you can say it COOL and they were ROCKS! But, since they were doing that in the middle of the test, everybody started to have a feeling of throwing them with some rotten eggs or tomatoes.

Realizing that ‘the dumb couple’ started to annoying everybody else in the class, Mr. Moon, deciding to let Jiro and Ella to leave the class first, they’ve already done their tests, though.

So, here they are, giving a high-5 each other and smiling widely to their way to the canteen together. Ella and Jiro was so happy that they have each other as a friend.

‘Aaaah, another sweet memory of high school to treasured.’ They thought in their own mind.



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