Chapter 15 When Things Get Worse

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Ella was being in a grey zone lately. She was still curious and can’t find out who was Chun’s new crush. That’s why she always gloomy and blank minded like the grey clouds in a cloudy day. This things eventually will killed her if she stayed like this. Just like what happen this morning, when she was walking in the stairs with blank minded, she almost tripped because her own foot and would landed with her forehead on the floor if Joe wasn’t see her and then catch her. Chun, who was watching all the scenes from the corner was getting a little jealous. He didn’t know that Ella was almost fall like that because of thinking too much over him.

But apparently, it was not only Chun who saw all the accident, but the person that already eavesdropping their conversation a couple days ago, watched it too and also look at Chun and finally found out that Chun was having his crush on Ella. She smirked and then leaved.

Ella in the other hand, was really curious that Chun didn’t want to talk with her. It was like Chun ignoring her all day long.

‘What did I do? Did I do wrong?’ Ella thought silently in her mind, when suddenly someone approaching her.

“Hey, Ella!”

It was Angela, holding some books with her and smiling cutely.

“Oh, hey!” Ella smiled back to her.

“So, you like to go to the library too?”

It was lunch time, and Ella was in the library to returned the book that she borrowed last week.

“Yeah, sometimes.”

“Great! Hey, you seems close to Chun, did he tell you something?” Angela asked.

“Huh?” Ell was looking at Angela with a stupid face.

“Ya, you see, I know that you’re kinda one of his close friend now, did he tell you yet? About his new crush?” She smiled while whispered to Ella’s ear.

“Uh, he mentioned about her once, but he didn’t tell me who. Well, you know her?” Ella asked curiously.

“Well, yeah. I know. I thought you had known it too, as you’re one of his friends now. You know, he wont tell such an important things about himself to the people that he didn’t trust. But, if you didn’t know, well maybe… uh.. sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have told you this, Elle.” She smiled and started to leave.

But Ella hold her, “Wait, could you just tell who is she?”

“I don’t know. I shouldn’t tell anybody about this, you know?” Angela frowning.

“Please?” Ella asked desperately.

‘Yes! She took the bite. The fish eat the bite.’ Angela smiled secretly. “Well, he likes your friend with the long beautiful hair.” She whispered.

“You mean, Selina?” Ella asked.

Angela was nodding her head. “I should go then, see you.” She smiled.

DANG! It’s like a 1000 ton weight hammer was hitting her head. Ella was went blank once again as she was too shocked of what she had heard from Angela. The reality that Chun told Angela about his crush instead of her made her clear that he didn’t trust her and the fact that his new crush was Selina was hurting her so much. She went blank. So blank that she didn’t know that she was about walking into someone’s direction and made her tripped over him.

“Hey, Ella, what happen to you?” it was Jiro.

“I know now.” She said shortly.

“Know what?”

“Chun’s new crush.”


“It was Selina.”





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