Chapter 4 'Nobi'

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Ella is walking confidently on her way to the class. She already had a sight of a bunch of guys hanging out in front of the class. ‘Geez, why on earth they like to hang out in front of the class like that? So annoying! *sigh*’ Ella think to her self. She just about entering the class when somebody called her name out loud.

“Hey Ella!”

She stopped for a moment and then looking through her shoulder. “What?” she asked coldly as she pretty sure that she doesn’t know those guys well yet and so feel annoyed because one of them dare to call her so friendly like that as if he knows her before.

“I don’t know that you belong to this class too. Come here.” Suddenly a guy appeared from the crowd. Gripping her wrist and then dragging Ella to meet his gank.

“Wo.. Wait there, Wilber.” Ella finally recognize the guy who was dragging her as an old classmate from her second year of high school.

“Here, meet the boys!” Then he let go off of her wrist and smiling. There was a bunch of guys and being the only girl with a whole bunch of guys might not be the most comforting situation to be in.

“Uh, yeah. Hi again!” Ella greeted the guys.

“Ow, common Elle. What makes you so nervous like that?” Wilber, clueless but has a big butthead. He still rambling and rambling while Ella, on her side, secretly wish that he will stop rambling soon and let her in so she can release the burden of her bag pack that already makes her shoulder’s numb. Besides, she doesn’t want to stay any longer with them.

“WELL, WILBER!” Ella suddenly have the courage to scream her sultry voice out of her throat. “I guess, I have to put my bag first, it’s starting to kill me. Hahaha.” Ella, rubbing her own shoulder, smiling awkwardly. Then, a second after that, she find herself rushing into the class, leaving Wilber and his gank. ‘Phiuh, that was bad. Ugh, this damn heavy bag! Nearly kill me.’ Her curses was stopped when once again she caught a sight of a familiar guy, sitting on the chair before hers. But of course, it was just her imagination, since, the guy that she think she’s starring at right now is her cousin who was happening to be her first love and already graduated from this school when she was still in the elementary school. In the real world, the one who she’s starring at now is the ‘nobi guy’, Chun, who find himself annoyed by a pair of sparkling eyes stare right at him. He was doing some math problem when finally he put his pencil on the table and asked the girl who now staring at him with a blank look on her face.

“What are you looking at?”

“Huh? No, nothing.” Ella surprised by his gentle voice, waking up from her day dreaming. Chun then grab his pencil back and started to do his math’s problem again.

‘What a nice person.’ Ella mumbled to herself.

That noon, again, Ella find herself so desperate about her destiny. She, once again, find another reason why she doesn’t like in here. She obviously knew that she wasn’t that good at math and never fond of it since her first year in high school. Actually she used to be a master of math in her junior high, but it was in the past. Now, she definitely doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t know whose to asked about this damn math when she was absolutely clueless about the lesson that Mr. Lee has given them that noon. Usually, she got Jolin, Gillian, or even Ariel to help her out, but now, she had no one. She looked around and found that grandpa was so busy listening on his i-pod, Jiro was happily dreaming as he lay his head on the table with his eyes shut and in the same time smiling, Aaron was so silent and it’s like he wasn’t there, and Mark, ah, his stares already makes Ella feel afraid. By those situations, she didn’t dare to disturb any of them. ‘Crap! I’m so death.’ She thought.

Suddenly, Ella has this thoughts, which is to asked to that ‘nobi guy’, Chun. Maybe he really good at math as he always do some math problems every morning. She closed her eyes as she encourage her self to talk to Chun. She really has to take a deep breath to calm her down because it is still fresh in her mind how Chun wasn’t that friendly as she thought before when he glared at her this morning.

“Ey, Nobi.. Uh, I mean, Chun.” She whispered in to his ears as she lay front on her table to get her closer to him.

“Yeah?” He asked, looking back to her through his shoulder.

“Well, do you get what the teacher said?” she paused for a second. “Actually I kinda difficult to understand it.” Paused again. “Um, would you mind to help me out? I’m sure you’re really good at it.” Ella whispered in a deep sultry voice.

Chun was looked somekind of ignoring her that moment. But suddenly he spoke.

“Yeah, sure. Which part of it that you didn’t understand?” He said gently while turning his face to faced Ella who looked so ridiculous coz her eyes was widely open for her surprise.

“Uh, actually from the beginning.” Ella smiled shyly. Her left hand was rubbing her back hair.


“Ow, common! Don’t you hear what I said? It’s a shame for me to admit that I’m so dumb.” Ella frowned, her cheeks blushing.

“I know.” Chun grinned. Ella once again surprised by him.

As Chun was teaching Ella about the lesson, Jiro was finally awake from his beautiful and long dream. He moaned loudly.

“Uooaah. What time is it?” He asked sleepily. It seems that he didn’t fully awake yet. “What are you guys doing?” He asked Ella and Chun who now studying and working on math tasks together. “Where is the teacher?”

“Oh, morning Jiro!” Ella teased Jiro, as it’s already noon to afternoon now.

“Have a nice dream there, huh, Jiro?” Chun grinned.

“What? Hey, pardon me if I have to do my beauty sleep. You guys could have one too if you like. Then, where’s the teacher?” He asked again. His mouth was pouting.

“He already went home. His son is sick.” Chun answered shortly. He can’t believe that there’s such a lazy-no-burden guy like Jiro.

“So, I guess I have to get a coffee from the vending machine to make me stay awake. Do you want some?” He asked while standing from his seat, ready to lead himself out of the class.

“Nope, thanks.” Ella answered him, smiling.

“No, thank you.” Chun answered.

“Okay, then.” Jiro smiling and then jumping around to the door. As soon as Jiro was disappeared from their sights, Chun was shaking his head.

“Is he always like that?” He asked.

“He is. But he smart though. I mean REALLY SMART.” Ella answered with her two thumbs up.

As the teacher already went home, the students were free doing whatever their like as long as it’s not going home before the time. Ella was spending the rest of the day with Chun. She never expected that they will have a same kind of conversation. So, Ella was chatting happily with Chun now. They even exchange their cell number.

In the middle of their endless conversation, Jiro was coming back from his trip to the vending machine. It is exactly an hour before he turned back to the class.

“Hey, you’re still alive. I thought you were get lost somewhere in your way to the vending machine and ended up in The Greenland.” Ella grinned.

“What take you so long? The vending machine was exactly standing across from our class’s door.” Chun asked.

“Oh, I’m such a busy guy.” He smirked. “Well, anyway Chun, we’ll play basketball in the court, wanna come?”

“Sure.” With that, he went to the court with Jiro. As Ella also had nothing to do, she decided to watch their games. There, she find out that Chun was really good at it. It’s interesting to know every new side of him. And she agreed now by the quotes ‘don’t judge book by its cover’, coz now she know that a nerd who she called ‘nobi guy’ a few days ago, is not that ’nobi’ today. ‘Maybe Ariel’s right, I just have to give some more time to know about others’. She secretly smiled for her own thoughts.

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